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v4 Syntax+ bug fix
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Changed to v4 Syntax
Fixed conflict with same callable name
Fixed using instead of in help command (5 months since last commit and no one noticed that .help doesn't work?)
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303i committed Jun 4, 2013
1 parent 688f20d commit b953255
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 29 deletions.
60 changes: 31 additions & 29 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -5,48 +5,50 @@
from willie.module import command, rule, example, priority

def doc(willie, trigger):
@rule('$nick' '(?i)(help|doc) +([A-Za-z]+)(?:\?+)?$')
@example('$nickname: help tell')
def doc(bot, trigger):
"""Shows a command's documentation, and possibly an example."""
name =
name = name.lower()

if willie.doc.has_key(name):
if willie.doc[name][1]:
willie.say('e.g. ' + willie.doc[name][1])
doc.rule = ('$nick', '(?i)(help|doc) +([A-Za-z]+)(?:\?+)?$')
doc.example = '$nickname: doc tell?'
doc.priority = 'low'

def help(willie, trigger):
if bot.doc.has_key(name):
if bot.doc[name][1]:
bot.say('e.g. ' + bot.doc[name][1])

@example('.help c')
def help(bot, trigger):
"""Get help for a command."""
if not
willie.reply('Say .help <command> (for example .help c) to get help for a command, or .commands for a list of commands.')
if not
bot.reply('Say .help <command> (for example .help c) to get help for a command, or .commands for a list of commands.')
doc(willie, trigger)
help.commands = ['help']
help.example = '.help c'
doc(bot, trigger)

def commands(willie, trigger):
"""Return a list of Willie's commands"""
names = ', '.join(sorted(willie.doc.iterkeys()))
willie.reply("I am sending you a private message of all my commands!")
willie.msg(trigger.nick, 'Commands I recognise: ' + names + '.')
willie.msg(trigger.nick, ("For help, do '%s: help example?' where example is the " +
"name of the command you want help for.") % willie.nick)
commands.commands = ['commands']
commands.priority = 'low'
def commands(bot, trigger):
"""Return a list of bot's commands"""
names = ', '.join(sorted(bot.doc.iterkeys()))
bot.reply("I am sending you a private message of all my commands!")
bot.msg(trigger.nick, 'Commands I recognise: ' + names + '.')
bot.msg(trigger.nick, ("For help, do '%s: help example' where example is the " +
"name of the command you want help for.") % bot.nick)

def help(willie, trigger):
@rule('$nick' r'(?i)help(?:[?!]+)?$')
def help2(bot, trigger):
response = (
'Hi, I\'m a bot. Say ".commands" to me in private for a list ' +
'of my commands, or see for more ' +
'general details. My owner is %s.'
) % willie.config.owner
help.rule = ('$nick', r'(?i)help(?:[?!]+)?$')
help.priority = 'low'
) % bot.config.owner

if __name__ == '__main__':
print __doc__.strip()

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