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[countdown, reddit, etymology, remind, unicode_info] update to 4.0 st…
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issue sopel-irc#276
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embolalia committed May 31, 2013
1 parent 263b251 commit 7e75fc9
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Showing 5 changed files with 86 additions and 91 deletions.
21 changes: 8 additions & 13 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -5,34 +5,29 @@

from willie.module import command, NOLIMIT
import datetime

def generic_countdown(willie, trigger):
def generic_countdown(bot, trigger):
.countdown <year> <month> <day> - displays a countdown to a given date.
text =
if not text:
willie.say("Please use correct format: .countdown 2012 12 21")
return willie.NOLIMIT
bot.say("Please use correct format: .countdown 2012 12 21")
return NOLIMIT
text =
if text and (text[0].isdigit() and text[1].isdigit() and text[2].isdigit()
and len(text) == 3):
diff = (datetime.datetime(int(text[0]), int(text[1]), int(text[2]))
willie.say(str(diff.days) + " days, " + str(diff.seconds / 60 / 60)
bot.say(str(diff.days) + " days, " + str(diff.seconds / 60 / 60)
+ " hours and "
+ str(diff.seconds / 60 - diff.seconds / 60 / 60 * 60)
+ " minutes until "
+ text[0] + " " + text[1] + " " + text[2])
willie.say("Please use correct format: .countdown 2012 12 21")
return willie.NOLIMIT
generic_countdown.commands = ['countdown']
generic_countdown.priority = 'low'

if __name__ == '__main__':
print __doc__.strip()
bot.say("Please use correct format: .countdown 2012 12 21")
return NOLIMIT
19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@

import re
import willie.web as web
from willie import web
from willie.module import command, example, NOLIMIT

etyuri = ''
etysearch = ''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,25 +71,25 @@ def etymology(word):
return sentence + ' - ' + (etyuri % word)

def f_etymology(willie, trigger):
def f_etymology(bot, trigger):
"""Look up the etymology of a word"""
word =

result = etymology(word)
except IOError:
msg = "Can't connect to (%s)" % (etyuri % word)
willie.msg(trigger.sender, msg)
return willie.NOLIMIT
bot.msg(trigger.sender, msg)
return NOLIMIT
except AttributeError:
result = None

if result is not None:
willie.msg(trigger.sender, result)
bot.msg(trigger.sender, result)
uri = etysearch % word
msg = 'Can\'t find the etymology for "%s". Try %s' % (word, uri)
willie.msg(trigger.sender, msg)
return willie.NOLIMIT
f_etymology.commands = ['ety']
f_etymology.example = '.ety word'
bot.msg(trigger.sender, msg)
return NOLIMIT
37 changes: 19 additions & 18 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -6,23 +6,25 @@
This module provides special tools for reddit, namely showing detailed info about reddit posts

from willie.module import command, rule, example, NOLIMIT
import praw
import re
domain = r'https?://(?:www\.|np\.)?reddit\.com'
post_url = '(%s/r/.*?/comments/[\w-]+)' % domain
user_url = '%s/u(ser)?/([\w-]+)' % domain

def setup(willie):
def setup(bot):
post_regex = re.compile(post_url)
user_regex = re.compile(user_url)
if not willie.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
willie.memory['url_callbacks'] = {}
willie.memory['url_callbacks'][post_regex] = rpost_info
willie.memory['url_callbacks'][user_regex] = redditor_info
if not bot.memory.contains('url_callbacks'):
bot.memory['url_callbacks'] = {}
bot.memory['url_callbacks'][post_regex] = rpost_info
bot.memory['url_callbacks'][user_regex] = redditor_info

def rpost_info(willie, trigger, match=None):
@rule('.*%s.*' % post_url)
def rpost_info(bot, trigger, match=None):
r = praw.Reddit(user_agent='phenny / willie IRC bot - see for more')
match = match or trigger
s = r.get_submission(
Expand All @@ -39,21 +41,22 @@ def rpost_info(willie, trigger, match=None):
+ str( + '|05' + str(s.downs) + ') | ' +
str(s.num_comments) + ' comments | Posted by ' +
#TODO add creation time with s.created
rpost_info.rule = '.*%s.*' % post_url

def redditor_info(willie, trigger, match=None):
#If you change this, you'll have to change some other things...
def redditor_info(bot, trigger, match=None):
"""Show information about the given Redditor"""
commanded = re.match(willie.config.prefix + 'redditor', trigger)
commanded = re.match(bot.config.prefix + 'redditor', trigger)
r = praw.Reddit(user_agent='phenny / willie IRC bot - see for more')
match = match or trigger
u = r.get_redditor(
if commanded:
willie.say('No such Redditor.')
return willie.NOLIMIT
bot.say('No such Redditor.')
return NOLIMIT
#Fail silently if it wasn't an explicit command.
Expand All @@ -68,12 +71,10 @@ def redditor_info(willie, trigger, match=None):
message = message + ' | Link: ' + str(u.link_karma) + ' | Comment: ' + str(u.comment_karma)

#TODO detect cake day with u.created
#If you change this, you'll have to change some things above.
redditor_info.commands = ['redditor']

def auto_redditor_info(willie, trigger):
redditor_info(willie, trigger)
#If you change the groups here, you'll have to change some things above.
auto_redditor_info.rule = '.*%s.*' % user_url
@rule('.*%s.*' % user_url)
def auto_redditor_info(bot, trigger):
redditor_info(bot, trigger)
90 changes: 44 additions & 46 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
import pytz
import codecs
from datetime import tzinfo, timedelta, datetime
from willie.module import command, example, NOLIMIT

def filename(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,34 +47,34 @@ def dump_database(name, data):

def setup(willie):
#Having a db means pref's exists. Later, we can just use `if willie.db`.
if willie.db and not willie.db.preferences.has_columns('tz'):
if willie.db and not willie.db.preferences.has_columns('time_format'):
def setup(bot):
#Having a db means pref's exists. Later, we can just use `if bot.db`.
if bot.db and not bot.db.preferences.has_columns('tz'):
if bot.db and not bot.db.preferences.has_columns('time_format'):

willie.rfn = filename(willie)
willie.rdb = load_database(willie.rfn)
bot.rfn = filename(bot)
bot.rdb = load_database(bot.rfn)

def monitor(willie):
def monitor(bot):
while True:
now = int(time.time())
unixtimes = [int(key) for key in willie.rdb]
unixtimes = [int(key) for key in bot.rdb]
oldtimes = [t for t in unixtimes if t <= now]
if oldtimes:
for oldtime in oldtimes:
for (channel, nick, message) in willie.rdb[oldtime]:
for (channel, nick, message) in bot.rdb[oldtime]:
if message:
willie.msg(channel, nick + ': ' + message)
bot.msg(channel, nick + ': ' + message)
willie.msg(channel, nick + '!')
del willie.rdb[oldtime]
dump_database(willie.rfn, willie.rdb)
bot.msg(channel, nick + '!')
del bot.rdb[oldtime]
dump_database(bot.rfn, bot.rdb)

targs = (willie,)
targs = (bot,)
t = threading.Thread(target=monitor, args=targs)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +120,9 @@ def monitor(willie):
periods = '|'.join(scaling.keys())

def remind(willie, trigger):
@example('.in 3h45m Go to class')
def remind(bot, trigger):
"""Gives you a reminder in the given amount of time."""
duration = 0
message = re.split('(\d+ ?(?:' + periods + ')) ?',[1:]
Expand All @@ -135,22 +138,22 @@ def remind(willie, trigger):
reminder = reminder + piece
stop = True
if duration == 0:
return willie.reply("Sorry, didn't understand the input.")
return bot.reply("Sorry, didn't understand the input.")

if duration % 1:
duration = int(duration) + 1
duration = int(duration)
tzi = timezone('UTC')
if willie.db and trigger.nick in willie.db.preferences:
tz = willie.db.preferences.get(trigger.nick, 'tz') or 'UTC'
if bot.db and trigger.nick in bot.db.preferences:
tz = bot.db.preferences.get(trigger.nick, 'tz') or 'UTC'
tzi = timezone(tz)
create_reminder(willie, trigger, duration, reminder, tzi)
remind.commands = ['in']
remind.example = '.in 3h45m Go to class'
create_reminder(bot, trigger, duration, reminder, tzi)

def at(willie, trigger):
@example('.at 13:47 Do your homework!')
def at(bot, trigger):
Gives you a reminder at the given time. Takes hh:mm:ssContinent/Large_City
message. Continent/Large_City is a timezone from the tzdb; a list of valid
Expand All @@ -160,26 +163,26 @@ def at(willie, trigger):
regex = re.compile(r'(\d+):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?([^\s\d]+)? (.*)')
match = regex.match(
if not match:
willie.reply("Sorry, but I didn't understand your input.")
return willie.NOLIMIT
bot.reply("Sorry, but I didn't understand your input.")
return NOLIMIT
hour, minute, second, tz, message = match.groups()
if not second:
second = '0'
if tz:
if tz not in all_timezones_set:
good_tz = False
if willie.db and tz in willie.db.preferences:
tz = willie.db.preferences.get(tz, 'tz')
if bot.db and tz in bot.db.preferences:
tz = bot.db.preferences.get(tz, 'tz')
if tz:
tzi = timezone(tz)
good_tz = True
if not good_tz:
willie.reply("I don't know that timezone or user.")
return willie.NOLIMIT
bot.reply("I don't know that timezone or user.")
return NOLIMIT
tzi = timezone(tz)
elif willie.db and trigger.nick in willie.db.preferences:
tz = willie.db.preferences.get(trigger.nick, 'tz')
elif bot.db and trigger.nick in bot.db.preferences:
tz = bot.db.preferences.get(trigger.nick, 'tz')
if tz:
tzi = timezone(tz)
Expand All @@ -195,31 +198,26 @@ def at(willie, trigger):

if duration < 0:
duration += 86400
create_reminder(willie, trigger, duration, message, timezone('UTC'))
at.commands = ['at']
at.example = '.at 13:47 Do your homework!'
create_reminder(bot, trigger, duration, message, timezone('UTC'))

def create_reminder(willie, trigger, duration, message, tz):
def create_reminder(bot, trigger, duration, message, tz):
t = int(time.time()) + duration
reminder = (trigger.sender, trigger.nick, message)
except KeyError:
willie.rdb[t] = [reminder]
bot.rdb[t] = [reminder]

dump_database(willie.rfn, willie.rdb)
dump_database(bot.rfn, bot.rdb)

if duration >= 60:
tformat = "%F - %T%Z"
if willie.db and trigger.nick in willie.db.preferences:
tformat = (willie.db.preferences.get(trigger.nick, 'time_format')
if bot.db and trigger.nick in bot.db.preferences:
tformat = (bot.db.preferences.get(trigger.nick, 'time_format')
or "%F - %T%Z")
timef = datetime.fromtimestamp(t, tz).strftime(tformat)

willie.reply('Okay, will remind at %s' % timef)
bot.reply('Okay, will remind at %s' % timef)
willie.reply('Okay, will remind in %s secs' % duration)

if __name__ == '__main__':
print __doc__.strip()
bot.reply('Okay, will remind in %s secs' % duration)
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -7,19 +7,22 @@
import unicodedata
from willie.module import command, example, NOLIMIT

@example('.u 203D')
def codepoint(willie, trigger):
arg =
if len(arg) == 0:
willie.reply('What code point do you want me to look up?')
return willie.NOLIMIT
return NOLIMIT
elif len(arg) > 1:
arg = unichr(int(arg, 16))
willie.reply("That's not a valid code point.")
return willie.NOLIMIT
return NOLIMIT

# Get the hex value for the code point, and drop the 0x from the front
point = str(hex(ord(u'' + arg)))[2:]
Expand All @@ -35,6 +38,3 @@ def codepoint(willie, trigger):
template = 'U+%s %s (\xe2\x97\x8c%s)'
willie.say(template % (point, name, arg))

codepoint.commands = ['u']
codepoint.example = '.u 203D'

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