This is a demo web front end client that shows the necessary basic PKCE flow of an OIDC/OAuth2 authentication against Keycloak.
- Just setup the keycloak server with the below (just spin up a docker container for this purpose - docker-compose.yaml):
Note: using 14902 as the port for Keycloak
version: '3.7'
image: jboss/keycloak:14.0.0
container_name: keycloak
restart: always
- 14902:8080
- Login to Keycloak and create a Keycloak Realm: "demo"
- Switch to the "demo" realm and create a client "demopkce"
- Click on the demopkce client and have the settings below:
- Client Protocol: openid-connect
- Access Type: public
- Standard Flow Enabled: true
- Implicit Flow Enabled: false
- Direct Access Grants Enable: false
- Valid Redirect URIs: for web: https://localhost:4200/validate (for mobile, mobileappname://)
- Web Origins: '*'
- Advance Settings: Proof Key for Code Exchange Code Challenge Method: S256
- Click on "Users" -> "Add User"
- For the demo web client, the environment setting is in src -> environments -> environments.ts
- To run this client:
ng serve
- Access "http://localhost:4200" and open up the development panel on the browser if needed.
- Go through the flow to understand the authentication process. the "Validate" page will show all the necessary info on the access, id and refresh token.
- Use to decode the JWT tokens and inspect the contents.