free hosts expire every month. This script auto clicks web pages to renew the hosts, using Python/Selenium with Chrome headless mode.
NOTE: this is an up-to-date fork of loblab/noip-renew repository as it seems it's not anymore actively developed, I'll try to keep this fork up to date and working as much as possible. Feel free to contribute!
- Platform: Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian/Arch Linux, no GUI needed (tested on Debian 9.x/10.x/Arch Linux); python 3.6+
- Ref: Technical explanation for the code (Chinese)
- Created: 11/04/2017
- Updated: 02/02/2023
- Original Author: loblab
- Fork Mantainer: maximunited
- Contributors: neothematrix, IDemixI, Angel0ffDeath, benyjr
- Clone this repository to the device you will be running it from (
git clone
) - Run and set your account information
- Run noip-renew-USERNAME command
Check confirmed records from multiple log files:
grep -h Confirmed *.log | grep -v ": 0" | sort
For docker users, run the following:
echo 'add username here' > ${SECRETSDIR}/noip_username
echo 'add password here' | base64 > ${SECRETSDIR}/noip_password
docker build -t maximunited/selenium:debian .
echo -e "$(crontab -l)"$'\n'"12 3 * * 1,3,5 docker run --network host maximunited/selenium:debian "${SECRETSDIR}/noip_username" "${SECRETSDIR}/noip_password" ${debug_lvl}" | crontab -
NOTE: with newer versions of ChromeDriver (>v99) you might need to increase the shm size of the container otherwise ChromeDriver will crash and throw an exception. To do it, you can just add the "--shm-size="512m" flag to the docker run command.
Refer to the sample docker-compose-sample.yml
The script is not designed to renew/update the dynamic DNS records, but only to renew the hostnames expiring every 30 days due to the free tier. Check documentation for that purpose. Most wireless routers support For more information, check here. You can also check DNS-O-Matic to update multiple DNS records.