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=== Frontend Dashboard Custom Post and Taxonomies ===
Contributors: vinoth06, buffercode
Tags: dashboard, frontend dashboard pages, pages in dashboard, custom pages
Donate link:
Requires at least: 4.6
Tested up to: 5.5.1
Stable tag: 1.5.10
License: GPL V3
License URI:

Frontend Dashboard Custom Post is an add-on to add and customize the custom posts and taxonomies (category and tag) inside the Frontend Dashboard.

== Description ==

> #### Notice
> This is an Add-on plugin of [Frontend Dashboard](, So please install [Frontend Dashboard]( to use this plugin **

Frontend Dashboard Custom Post is an add-on to add and customize the custom posts and taxonomies (category and tag) inside the Frontend Dashboard.

= Post Status =
Allow users to either publish or pending their post

= Disable Default Post =
Disable the default post attributes like content, featured image, comments of that post type.

= Customize Menu =
Customize the post name, icon and order of the each post types shown in Frontend Dashboard

= Disable User Roles =
Disable user roles to access the post/custom post type

= Disable Taxonomies =
Disable user roles to access the assigned Taxonomies (Category/Tags) of the post/custom post

= Add/Edit/Delete Custom Post =
Easy to add, edit and delete the custom post

= Add/Edit/Delete Taxonomies =
Easy to add, edit and delete the taxonomies (category/tag)

== Installation ==
1. Upload the “frontend-dashboard-custom-post” directory to the plugins directory.
2. Go to the plugins setting page and activate “Frontend Dashboard Custom Post”
3. Go to Frontend Dashboard Menu | Custom Post to configure.
4. Do save.

== Changelog ==
= 1.5.10 [03-Sept-2020] =
* Added filter hooks  [fed_cp_list_details] (Thanks to @corne)

= 1.5.9 [30-July-2019] =
* Pagination updated and added an filter hook to show all post or single post to admin.(fed_show_all_post_to_admin)

= 1.5.8 [18-May-2019] =
* Added new features and styles to Post and Custom Post.

= 1.5.7 [14-May-2019] =

* Bug fixes

= 1.5.6 [11-May-2020] =
* Frontend Dashboard Custom Post new features added and some bug fixes, now admin can see all post and can able to change the post status.

= 1.5.5 [19-Apr-2019] =

* Bug fixes

= 1.5.3 [23-Oct-2019] =

* Post and Custom Post will be soft delete.

= 1.5.2 [20-Oct-2019] =

* Bug fixes

= 1.5.1 [17-Oct-2019] =

* Frontend Dashboard Post Ordering Fixed
* Added Few Translation

= 1.5 [12-Oct-2019] =

* Support Frontend Dashboard 1.5

= 1.4.10 [05-Sept-2019] =

* Bug Fixes - Custom post not updating the custom taxonomy for few user roles.

= 1.4.9 [27-August-2019] =

* Bug Fixes - Custom post not able to delete and save.

= 1.4.8 [04-August-2019] =

* Bug Fixes

= 1.4.7 [21-Jun-2019] =

* Bug Fixes: Post/Custom post show the post content.

= 1.4.6 [20-Jun-2019] =

* Few minor Bug fixes and supports to latest Frontend Dashboard.

= 1.4.5 [26-Apr-2019] =

* Taxonomies (Tags and Categories) inside the post has been changed to multiselect Dropdown.
* Few bug fixes.

= v 1.4.4 [23-April-2019] =
* Added local translation for Javascript files
* Few bug fixes

= v 1.4.3 [09-April-2019] =
* Added local translation

= v 1.4.2 [22-Feb-2019] =
* Bug fixes : Sorting the Post items.

= v 1.4.1 [03-Oct-2018] =
* Bug fixes

= v 1.4 [13-Apr-2018] =
* Enable/Disable the View/Edit/Delete of post/custom post

= v 1.3.2 [20-Feb-2018] =
* Bug:Post section url are not working properly on custom URL.

= v 1.3.1 [16-January-2018] =
* Taxonomy and Custom post not able to delete
* Show the empty Category/Tag Names

= v 1.3 [6-December-2017] =
* Completely renovated for flexibility.

= v 1.2.1 [26-November-2017] =
* Bug: Added to notify users to install Frontend Dashboard as a core plugin to use this plugin

= v 1.2 [24-November-2017] =
* Bug: Mandatory to fill the Menu name, order and icon.
* Bug: Post status pending not working

= v1.1 [20-November-2017] =
* Bug: Post type name and image missing in Frontend Dashboard

= v1.0 [07-November-2017] =
* Public release

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.5.10 [03-Sept-2020] =
* Added filter hooks  [fed_cp_list_details] (Thanks to @corne)

== Screenshots ==
1. Dashboard Settings
2. Settings
3. Add Taxonomy - Settings
4. Add Taxonomy - Label Settings
5. Add Taxonomy - Basic Settings
6. Add Custom Post - Built-in Taxonomies
7. Add Custom Post - Supports
8. Add Custom Post - Label Settings
9. Add Custom Post - Basic Settings
10. Admin Post/Custom Post Taxonomies
11. Admin Post/Custom Post Menu
12. Admin Post/Custom Allow user role to Add/Edit/Delete Post








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