To set the bot up first open your command line and run:
npm i
Next you want to create a .env
file and put this in:
TOKEN=<Bot Token>
BUILD env variable can be used for checking if you are on a webserver or not (I recommend heroku as that is what this is already optimized for)
after setting up heroku add the same env variables in the heroku settings but set BUILD to litteally anything except for F this is automatically converted to a boolean value and stored in client.beta
The channels folder allows you to add message sent events that only work in the specified channel (the filename is the channel name) eg.
// imports and extra functions
module.exports = (message, client)=>{
// code will run when the event is invoked
the events folder is for client.on events eg.
// imports and extra functions
module.exports = (/*event args*/, client)=>{
// code will run when the event is invoked
discord bot commands
// imports and extra functions = (client, message, args /*can be destrucured, eg. [user, amount]*/)=>{
// code will run when the command is ran
} = "First command"