- Written by Dong Tian @ MERL
- Modified by Maurice Quach @ L2S, CNRS, CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay
This software is written to compute geometric distortions in a point cloud, including point-to-point and point-to-plane.
If you use this code for research, please cite:
doi = {10.1109/icip.2017.8296925},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1109%2Ficip.2017.8296925},
year = 2017,
month = {sep},
publisher = {{IEEE}},
author = {Dong Tian and Hideaki Ochimizu and Chen Feng and Robert Cohen and Anthony Vetro},
title = {Geometric distortion metrics for point cloud compression},
booktitle = {2017 {IEEE} International Conference on Image Processing ({ICIP})}
- Changed Readme to Markdown format
- Changes to output format to facilitate parsing
Tested with PCL 1.8. May work with some older versions, but not tested yet.
mkdir build
cd build
The executable pc_error would be produced under ./build folder.
cmake ..
The executable pc_error_d would be produced under ./run folder.
./pc_error -a cloudA.ply
Just load the single point cloud, check its intrinsic resolutions.
./pc_error -a cloudA.ply -A cloudNormalsA.ply
Estimate normals for cloudA.ply and save the point cloud with normals to cloudNormalsA.ply.
./pc_error -a cloudOrg.ply -b cloudDec.ply
Compute the point-to-point and point-to-plane metrics. Only report RMS and corresponding PSNR's.
./pc_error -a cloudOrg.ply -b cloudDec.ply -d
Compute the point-to-point and point-to-plane metrics. Report RMS, Hausdorff and corresponding PSNR's.
./pc_error -a cloudOrg.ply -b cloudDec.ply -f
Compute the point-to-point and point-to-plane metrics. Force normal estimation even normals are provided in the input cloud. This feature is for experimental purposes.
-k [ --knn ] arg (=12) Set KNN number of neighbor points for normal
estimation. Default normal estimation method
-t [ --rtimes ] arg (=0) Guide to set radius for normal estimation,
times to NN points distances
-s [ --singlePass ] Force running a single pass, where the loop
is over the original point cloud. Non-symmetric
-1 [ --point2point ] Force to report point-to-point metric only
$ ./build/pc_error -a test/sphere100.pcd -b test/noisy_sphere100.pcd
infile1: test/sphere100.pcd
infile2: test/noisy_sphere100.pcd
knn = 12
force normal estimation: 0
Failed to find match for field 'rgb'.
Failed to find match for field 'normal_x'.
Failed to find match for field 'normal_y'.
Failed to find match for field 'normal_z'.
Failed to find match for field 'curvature'.
Reading file 1 done.
Failed to find match for field 'rgb'.
Failed to find match for field 'normal_x'.
Failed to find match for field 'normal_y'.
Failed to find match for field 'normal_z'.
Failed to find match for field 'curvature'.
Reading file 2 done.
Minimum and maximum NN distances (intrinsic resolutions): 0.00999999, 0.0217456
Point cloud sizes for org version, dec version, and the scaling ratio: 10000, 10000, 1
0. Preparing normals.
KNN in use: 12
Normal estimation begin..
Normal estimation on original point cloud DONE! It takes 0 seconds (in CPU time).
Converting normal vector DONE. It takes 0 seconds (in CPU time).
1. Use infile1 (A) as reference, loop over A, use normals on B. (A->B).
Error computing takes 0 seconds (in CPU time).
### A->B,rms1,p2point,0.000847707
### A->B,rms1PSNR,p2point,28.1825
### A->B,rms1,p2plane,0.000471006
### A->B,rms1PSNR,p2plane,33.2869
2. Use infile2 (B) as reference, loop over B, use normals on A. (B->A).
Error computing takes 0 seconds (in CPU time).
### B->A,rms2,p2point,0.000847707
### B->A,rms2PSNR,p2point,28.1825
### B->A,rms2,p2plane, 0.000471006
### B->A,rms2PSNR,p2plane,33.2869
3. Final (symmetric).
### Symmetric,rmsF,p2point,0.000847707
### Symmetric,rmsFPSNR,p2point,28.1825
### Symmetric,rmsF,p2plane,0.000471006
### Symmetric,rmsFPSNR,p2plane,33.2869
Job done! 0 seconds elapsed (excluding the time to load the point clouds).