Install via the install script:
- Only supported on Alpine and Ubuntu
curl -sSfL | bash
$ git clone -q --depth=1
$ cd dotfiles
$ stow . -nv # Simulation mode
$ stow . # OR stow . if .stowrc exists
$ git restore . # OR git reset --hard
- sudo
- zsh
- ripgrep
- fd ⚡
- tar
- bzip2
- unzip 🤐
- rlwrap 🌯
- bat(cat) 🦇 🐈
- hyperfine ⏱️
- zoxide
- curl 🥌
- git
- vim
- less
- eza
- neovim
- bash 👊
- fzf 🌸
- lazygit 🦥
- ssh 🐚
- tmux
- npm (nvm)
- yazi 🦆 (file 📁)