This Python script allows visualizing gerber files for a PCB project using gerbv ( It generates a project file for gerbv which references the gerber files and then launches gerbv in headless mode to generate image files.
Apart from having gerbv installed the script itself relies only on built-in Python libraries.
The only required argument is the path to a directory with gerber files.
usage: [-h] [--format FORMAT] [--dpi DPI] [--output OUTPUT]
[--gerbv GERBV] [--show-paste]
positional arguments:
path Path to gerber files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--format FORMAT Export format (png|pdf|ps|svg def. png)
--dpi DPI Board resolution as DPI (def. 300)
--output OUTPUT Output path (def. gerber path)
--gerbv GERBV Path to Gerbv binary (def. '/usr/local/bin/gerbv')
--show-paste Enables showing of paste layers
The script automatically discovers gerber/drill files in the given directory. So far it has been tested only with gerbers generated using KiCad with the "Use Protel filename extenstions" option enabled.
The generic reognized gerber/drill file naming convention is <project_name>-<layer_name>.<extension>
. Files for more than one project can be present in the same directory.