An interactive psychodelic image generator based on the Mandelbrot and the Julia set fractals. Allows realtime navigation through the fractal along with some cool visual effects.
Currently tested only on Linux sysem (Ubuntu 18.04)
- libglfw3 (v3.2+)
- libX11
- libpng
- libx264
cmake .
make -j acidbrot
Key(s) | Action |
Arrows | Lateral camera movement |
A/D | Rotation left/right |
W/S | Zoom in/out |
Z/C | Cycle colors |
F | Switch between Mandelbrot / Julia set |
Q/E | Change Julia set angle(c) value |
1/3 | Change Julia set abs(c) value |
F12 | Save a screenshot |
Alt+Enter | Switch between fullscreen and windowed mode |
F1-F8 | Change window size (and resolution) |
F9 | Switch VSync off and set fixed frame rate mode on/off |
F10 | Switch VSync on/off |
F11 | Start/stop recording video |
F12 | Take a screenshot |
Home/End | Select a parameter to modify (name and value shown in the upper-left corner |
PgUp/PgDn | Adjust the selected parameter value |
Esc | Exit the application |
- More post processing effects
- Camera control through a joystick etc.
- Ability to save motion a path and re-play it.
- FX controlled by sound (music) ?