What's a Hotspot? It's a visual effect to show something new.
This project has been created based on a challenge proposed by the Conpass Team but I liked so much of the idea that has been proposed and hooks was comming. So I decided to implement a project to show some useful hooks and react createPortal (it's awesome too).
This project has some forced clicks (it's not a bug) if you put some hotspot on links in navbar... it'll redirect you to some page like my linkedin (hire me, lol), github (this repo) or my twitter account.
- Add a hotspot clicking on button (create hotspot)
- Click on some element of the screen to place hotspot
- Add some title and text
- Save it
- You can hide the poppup clicking on the hotspot
- You can delete hotspots with Delete button located at hotspots list
- Use node 12+
- Install dependencies
- Run project
yarn start
- Run lint
yarn lint
- Run test
yarn test
- Run coverage
yarn test:coverage
|-- build (generated code)
|-- node_modules (heavy folder, lol)
|-- public (what you see is what you get)
|-- src
| |-- api (request/store)
| |-- components (all components)
| |-- config
| | |-- theme (theme provider)
| |-- hooks
| |-- shared (colors/etc)
| |-- index.css (global css)
| |-- index.tsx (render)
|-- ... config files
- React
- Hooks
- Context Api
- Styled Components
- Typescript
- Love <3