Tradechain is an open source blockchain designed for fast trading & interoperability for new, existing assets. Help build the future of trading with other Tradians.
Tradechain is built on Substrate with Rust, Solidity. In the future Tradechain will evolve to be language agnostic.
- Interoperability for new existing, on-chain assets
- Support for building smart contracts with Rust, Solidity
- Environmentally friendly consensus mechanism
- Custom dApp that makes managing new, existing multi-chain onchain assets
- Faster Transactions
- Read the Tradechain documentation
- Read the Substrate Documentation
- Read the Rust documentation
- Read the Contributor Guidelines
- [Main Site] Coming soon
- [Discord] Coming Soon
- Documentation
- [Twitter] Coming Soon
If you are in need of help or don't understand something, for now feel free to use the issues section here to open a new issue & someone in the community will respond at some point.
Please review the contributor guidelines for more information.
Tradechain is open-source, contributors are welcome. Contributor guidelines are linked above. If you're interested in contributing to a specific area feel free to reach out to Matt ([email protected]) & he may be able to help you synergise your efforts with the efforts of others in the community.
Open Source Roadmap coming soon.