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The root of an OpenAPI 3.0 document.
public struct Document: Equatable, CodableVendorExtendable
An OpenAPI Document can say a lot about the API it describes. A read-through of the specification is highly recommended because OpenAPIKit stays intentionally close to the naming and structure layed out by the Specification -- it goes without saying that the encoded JSON or YAML produced by OpenAPIKit conforms to the specification exactly.
A document is decoded in the normal fashion for Codable
let data: Data = ...
let document = try JSONDecoder().decode(OpenAPI.Document.self, data)
At this point, all of the information exposed by the decoded documentation is available via OpenAPIKit types that largely follow the structure and naming conventions of the specification.
If the documentation exists within a single file (no JSON references to other files) and there are no cyclic JSON references, you can dereference the documentation to remove the need to follow JSON references while traversing the documentation.
let dereferencedDocument = try document.locallyDereferenced()
See the documentation on OpenAPI.Document.locallyDereferenced()
for more.
At this point all references have been removed and replaced with inline documentation components. You can "resolve" the documentation to get an even more concise representation; this is no longer an OpenAPI representation, but rather an alternative view OpenAPIKit provides that can make analyzing and traversing documentation substantially easier for certain use-cases.
let resolvedDocument = dereferencedDocument.resolved()
See the documentation on DereferencedDocument.resolved()
for more.
, Decodable
, Encodable
, Equatable
public init(
openAPIVersion: Version = .v3_0_0,
info: Info,
servers: [Server],
paths: PathItem.Map,
components: Components,
security: [SecurityRequirement] = [],
tags: [Tag]? = nil,
externalDocs: ExternalDocumentation? = nil,
vendorExtensions: [String: AnyCodable] = [:]
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
OpenAPI Spec "openapi" field.
public var openAPIVersion: Version
OpenAPIKit only explicitly supports versions that can be found in
the Version
enum. Other versions may or may not be decodable
by OpenAPIKit to a certain extent.
Information about the API described by this OpenAPI Document.
public var info: Info
Licensing, Terms of Service, contact information, API version (the version of the API this document describes, not the OpenAPI Specification version), etc.
An array of Server Objects, which provide connectivity information to a target server.
public var servers: [Server]
If the servers property is not provided, or is an empty array, the default value is a Server Object with a url value of "/".
All paths defined by this API. This property maps the path of each
route (OpenAPI.Path
) to the documentation for that route
public var paths: PathItem.Map
See the routes
property for an array of equatable Path
Storage for components that need to be referenced elsewhere in the
OpenAPI Document using JSONReferences
public var components: Components
Storing components here can be in the interest of being explicit about
the fact that the components are always the same (such as an
"Unauthorized" Response
definition used on all endpoints) or it might
just be practical to put things here and reference them elsewhere to
cut down on the overall size of the document.
If your document is defined in Swift then this is a less beneficial way to share definitions than to just use the same Swift value multiple times, but you still might want to consider using the Components Object for its impact on the JSON/YAML structure of your document once encoded.
A declaration of which security mechanisms can be used across the API.
public var security: [SecurityRequirement]
The list of values includes alternative security requirement objects that can be used. Only one of the security requirement objects need to be satisfied to authorize a request. Individual operations can override this definition.
To make security optional, an empty security requirement can be included in the array.
A list of tags used by the specification with additional metadata.
public var tags: [Tag]?
The order of the tags can be used to reflect on their order by the parsing tools. Not all tags that are used by Operation Objects must be declared at the document level.
Additional external documentation.
public var externalDocs: ExternalDocumentation?
Dictionary of vendor extensions.
public var vendorExtensions: [String: AnyCodable]
These should be of the form:
[ "x-extensionKey": <anything>]
where the values are anything codable.
Get all routes for this document.
public var routes: [Route]
An Array of Routes
with the path and the definition of the route.
Retrieve an array of all Operation Ids defined by this API. These Ids are guaranteed to be unique by the OpenAPI Specification.
public var allOperationIds: [String]
The ordering is not necessarily significant, but it will be the order in which each operation is occurred within each path, traversed in the order the paths appear in the document.
See Operation Object in the specifcation.
All servers referenced anywhere in the whole document.
public var allServers: [OpenAPI.Server]
This property contains all servers defined at any level the document and therefore may or may not contain servers not found in the root servers array.
The servers
property on OpenAPI.Document
, by contrast, contains
servers that are applicable to all paths and operations that
do not define their own serves
array to override the root array.
All Tags used anywhere in the document.
public var allTags: Set<String>
The tags stored in the OpenAPI.Document.tags
property need not contain all tags used anywhere in
the document. This property is comprehensive.
Create a new OpenAPI Document with all paths not passign the given predicate removed.
public func filteringPaths(with predicate: (OpenAPI.Path) -> Bool) -> OpenAPI.Document
Create a locally-dereferenced OpenAPI Document.
public func locallyDereferenced() throws -> DereferencedDocument
A dereferenced document contains no
. All components have been
Dereferencing the document is a necessary step toward resolving the document, which exposes canonical representations of routes and endpoints.
or ReferenceError.missingOnLookup(name:key:)
depending on whether an unresolvable reference points to another file or just points to a component in the same file that cannot be found in the Components Object.
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws
Validate this OpenAPI.Document
public func validate(using validator: Validator = .init()) throws
Call without any arguments to validate some aspects of the OpenAPI
Specification not guaranteed by the Swift types in OpenAPIKit.
You can create a Validator
of your own, adding additional steps
to the validation (or starting from scratch), and then pass that
to the validate(using:)
method to use custom validation
- validator: Validator to use. By default, a validator that just asserts requirements of the OpenAPI Specification will be used.
if any validations failed. EncodingError
if encoding failed for a structural reason.
- AnyCodable
- DereferencedContent
- DereferencedContentEncoding
- DereferencedDocument
- DereferencedDocument.Route
- DereferencedHeader
- DereferencedJSONSchema
- DereferencedJSONSchema.ArrayContext
- DereferencedJSONSchema.ObjectContext
- DereferencedOperation
- DereferencedOperation.ResponseOutcome
- DereferencedParameter
- DereferencedPathItem
- DereferencedPathItem.Endpoint
- DereferencedRequest
- DereferencedResponse
- DereferencedSchemaContext
- DereferencedSecurityRequirement
- DereferencedSecurityRequirement.ScopedScheme
- Either
- EitherDecodeNoTypesMatchedError
- EitherDecodeNoTypesMatchedError.IndividualFailure
- ErrorCategory
- ErrorCategory.KeyValue
- InconsistencyError
- JSONReference
- JSONReference.InternalReference
- JSONReference.Path
- JSONReference.PathComponent
- JSONSchema
- JSONSchema.ArrayContext
- JSONSchema.CoreContext
- JSONSchema.CoreContext.Permissions
- JSONSchema.IntegerContext
- JSONSchema.IntegerContext.Bound
- JSONSchema.NumericContext
- JSONSchema.NumericContext.Bound
- JSONSchema.ObjectContext
- JSONSchema.StringContext
- JSONSchemaResolutionError
- JSONType
- JSONTypeFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.AnyFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.ArrayFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.BooleanFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.IntegerFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.IntegerFormat.Extended
- JSONTypeFormat.NumberFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.ObjectFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.StringFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.StringFormat.Extended
- OpenAPI
- OpenAPI.CallbackURL
- OpenAPI.ComponentKey
- OpenAPI.Components
- OpenAPI.Components.ReferenceCycleError
- OpenAPI.Components.ReferenceError
- OpenAPI.Content
- OpenAPI.Content.Encoding
- OpenAPI.ContentType
- OpenAPI.Discriminator
- OpenAPI.Document
- OpenAPI.Document.Info
- OpenAPI.Document.Info.Contact
- OpenAPI.Document.Info.License
- OpenAPI.Document.Route
- OpenAPI.Document.Version
- OpenAPI.Error
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Document
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Document.Context
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Operation
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Operation.Context
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Path
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Path.Context
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Request
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Request.Context
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Response
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Response.Context
- OpenAPI.Example
- OpenAPI.ExternalDocumentation
- OpenAPI.Header
- OpenAPI.HttpMethod
- OpenAPI.Link
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.AuthorizationCode
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.ClientCredentials
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.CommonFields
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.Implicit
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.Password
- OpenAPI.Operation
- OpenAPI.Operation.ResponseOutcome
- OpenAPI.Parameter
- OpenAPI.Parameter.Context
- OpenAPI.Parameter.Context.Location
- OpenAPI.Parameter.SchemaContext
- OpenAPI.Parameter.SchemaContext.Style
- OpenAPI.Path
- OpenAPI.PathItem
- OpenAPI.PathItem.Endpoint
- OpenAPI.Request
- OpenAPI.Response
- OpenAPI.Response.StatusCode
- OpenAPI.Response.StatusCode.Range
- OpenAPI.RuntimeExpression
- OpenAPI.RuntimeExpression.Source
- OpenAPI.SecurityScheme
- OpenAPI.SecurityScheme.Location
- OpenAPI.SecurityScheme.SecurityType
- OpenAPI.SecurityScheme.SecurityType.Name
- OpenAPI.Server
- OpenAPI.Server.Variable
- OpenAPI.Tag
- OrderedDictionary
- OrderedDictionary.Iterator
- ResolvedDocument
- ResolvedEndpoint
- ResolvedRoute
- URLTemplate
- URLTemplate.Component
- Validation
- ValidationContext
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorCollection
- Validator
- Validator.CodingKey
Global Functions
- Array
- Bool
- Dictionary
- Double
- Float
- Int
- Int32
- Int64
- OpenAPI.Callbacks
- OpenAPI.Content.Encoding
- OpenAPI.Document.Info
- OpenAPI.Document.Info.Contact
- OpenAPI.Document.Info.License
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Document
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Operation
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Path
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Request
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Response
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.AuthorizationCode
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.ClientCredentials
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.CommonFields
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.Implicit
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.Password
- OpenAPI.Parameter.Context
- OpenAPI.Parameter.SchemaContext
- OpenAPI.Response.StatusCode
- OpenAPI.Server.Variable
- Optional
- String