This parser can only parse .json file from 公共運輸整合資訊平台, you will get explicit information of following data:
- 台北市公車站牌
- 新北市公車站牌
- 桃園市公車站牌
- 台中市公車站牌
- 台南市公車站牌
- 高雄市公車站牌
The ouput file contains stop names in Chinese, English and position datas of longitude, latitue.
Put .json file which download from 站牌資料 in the "input" folder, and simply run:
$ python
The results will be created in "output" folder with pre suffix 'parsed_'.
Source json:
"StopUID": "string",
"StopID": "string",
"AuthorityID": "string",
"StopName": {
"Zh_tw": "string",
"En": "string"
"StopPosition": {
"PositionLat": 0,
"PositionLon": 0
"StopAddress": "string",
"UpdateTime": "string"
Output json:
"StopName": {
"Zh_tw": "string",
"En": "string"
"StopPosition": {
"PositionLat": 0,
"PositionLon": 0