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Configuration system geared towards Python ML projects


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Configuration system geared towards Python machine learning projects.


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The idea behind confr is to keep configuration about a ML project (trainer script + inference code) in one or more configuration files. The configuration files (currently just yaml) will contain key-value pairs, which will be mapped 1-to-1 to keyword arguments in Python code.

For example, assume we have a config file in /path/to/project/config/_base.yaml with the following content:

my_config_key1: value 1
my_config_key2: [1, 2, 3]

And in some Python program you can do the following:

import confr

def my_function(a, my_config_key1=confr.value):
    return a, my_config_key1

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, a, my_config_key1=confr.value):
        self.a = a
        self.my_config_key1 = my_config_key1

    def my_method1(self):
        return self.a, self.my_config_key1

    def my_method2(self, my_config_key2=confr.value):
        return self.a, self.my_config_key1, my_config_key2

my_function("foo") # returns ("foo", "value 1")
my_function("foo", "override") # returns ("foo", "override")
my_function("foo", my_config_key1="override") # returns ("foo", "override")

obj = MyClass("bar")
obj.my_method1() # returns ("bar", "value 1")
obj.my_method2() # returns ("bar", "value 1", [1, 2, 3])
obj.my_method2("override") # returns ("bar", "value 1", "override")
obj.my_method2(my_config_key2="override") # returns ("bar", "value 1", "override")

We have three ways to initialise a configuration:

  1. confr.init(conf_files=["/path/to/conf.yaml"]) - explicitly pass absolute paths (used e.g. in the inference server).
  2. confr.init(conf={"k": "v"}) - explicitly pass config key-value pairs as dict (useful e.g. in unit/integration tests).
  3. confr.init() - by default, loads the base conf file config/_base.yaml, which is where the config file is located anyway. You can also pass a list of "conf patches", e.g. test, model1, model2; each conf patch's file is also loaded (e.g. from config/test.yaml), which can override some of the base conf's values.

Below is a typical example of how to initialise a configuration. The below code first loads config/_base.yaml, then config/model1.yaml, and then overwrites the learning_rate config key to be 0.01 in the current active configuration.

import confr

    overrides={"learning_rate": 0.01},

Once confr.init() is called, confr ensures that for all functions and classes decorated with @confr.bind, which have keyword arguments with default values confr.value, will at runtime have those default values replaced with values from the global config object initialised with confr.init.

We have three cases:

  1. Classes decorated with @confr.bind. The __init__ method can have keyword arguments with confr.value default values (e.g. MyClass.__init__ above).
  2. Class instance methods decorated with confr.bind. The class instance method can have keyword arguments with confr.value default values (e.g. MyClass.my_method1 above).
  3. Regular functions decorated with confr.bind. The function can have keyword arguments with confr.value default values (e.g. my_function above).

Please bear in mind the following:

  • If you forget to decorate the class/function with confr.bind but set the keyword argument's default value as confr.value, the actual runtime value will be "__CONFR_value__", which is not what you want. That's because confr.value is actually a constant that has the value "__CONFR_value__", and unless you decorate your class/function with confr.bind, confr has no way to replace those values with ones in your config file(s).
  • Even if you specify a keyword argument whose default value is confr.value, you can always override it by calling the function / class initializer with the keyword value assigned. Be careful when doing this, however. We often make arguments confr.value if we expect the value of the argument to always come from a config file (rather than being hardcoded from the calling function). Passing the value explicitly breaks this expectation, and can lead to confusing results. For example, say you implement function1, which calls function2(img_h=96), which works fine for your current set of hyperparameters (because your _base.yaml also states img_h=96). But if someone else reuses the code and sets img_h=192 in _base.yaml, then function1 will probably cause the program to fail, because function2 is called with img_h=96 while everywhere else img_h=192. There are legitimate cases when you would need to modify the global configuration of some keywords, though - see the section "confr.modified_conf" below for more details.

Python references and singletons

A value in _base.yaml can be a of the form "@module1.module2.object_class_or_function" (strings starting with a @). Such values (which we call Python references) will effectively be imported by confr and passed as regular python objects. For example, if _base.yaml contains aug_fn: "@my_module.augmentors.aug_standard", we could do the following:

def my_preprocessing(x, aug_fn=confr.value):
    # aug_fn is a Python callable
    x_augmented = aug_fn(x)

A value in _base.yaml can also be a of the form "@module1.module2.class_or_function()" (strings starting with a @ and ending with ()). These are initializable Python references, i.e. Python references which are called before they're swapped in as the default value. Generally it would be a class that gets initialized, though it can also be a function that returns a new object (such as a Keras model).

Initializable Python references have two types.

  1. singletons - If _base.yaml defines a top-level config key (such as my_model in the _base.yaml example below), the value returned by calling the initializable Python reference is memoized (cached). Now this cached value is reused in all the places where we've defined my_model=confr.value. See Python example 1 below.
  2. non-singletons - For all other occurences of initializable Python references in config files, such as in lists or non-root config keys (e.g. in all_models and models_by_name in _base.yaml example below), the values get re-initialized every time they re-occur. See Python example 2 below. Make sure that you don't needlessly create many non-singleton Python references that take a long time to initialize or take a lot of memory, such as TensorFlow models.

_base.yaml example - do not do this!

my_model: "@my_module.models.model1()"
    - "@my_module.models.model1()"
    - "@my_module.models.model1()"
    model1: "@my_module.models.model1()"
    model2: "@my_module.models.model1()"

Python example 1

def get_my_model1(my_model=confr.value):
    return my_model

def get_my_model2(my_model=confr.value):
    return my_model

my_model1 = get_my_model1() # my_model gets initialized here and memoized (cached in memory)
my_model2 = get_my_model1() # my_model is not re-initialized
assert my_model1 == my_model2 # my_model1 and my_model2 are the same object

Python example 2

def get_all_models(all_models=confr.value):
    return all_models

def get_models_by_name(models_by_name=confr.value):
    return models_by_name

all_models = get_all_models() # model1 gets inititalized twice
assert all_models[0] != all_models[1] # while the objects are identical in behaviour, they're different objects

models_by_name = get_models_by_name() # model1 gets inititalized twice
assert all_models["model1"] != all_models["model2"] # while the objects are identical in behaviour, they're different objects

Avoiding argument name conflicts in singletons

If you would like to configure input arguments specifically for singletons, you can do the following:

    _callable: "@my_module.models.model1()"
    location: "/path/to/weights.h5"
    _callable: "@my_module.models.model2()"
    location: "/path/to/some/other/weights.h5"

Now my_model1 singleton will be initialized with location="/path/to/weights.h5" and my_model2 singleton will be initialized with location="/path/to/some/other/weights.h5". This way they can both define an input argument called location and still receive a unique value at initialization time. We call my_model1.location as a scoped argument, i.e. the value of location is present in only the my_model1 singleton scope.

Note that you can still use the regular, non-scoped arguments along with scoped ones. For example, both my_model1 and my_model2 might define img_h=confr.value, and this value will be the same when initializing both singletons.

References to singletons

If a config value in _base.yaml with the format ${singleton}, it is considered a reference to a singleton. For example, we might do the following:


    _callable: "@my_module.models.embedding_model()"
    location: "/path/to/embedding_model/weights.h5"
    _callable: "@my_module.models.classifier_model()"
    location: "/path/to/embedding_model/weights.h5"
    embedding_model: "${my_embedding_model}"

Here we have said that, when we initialize the classifier_model singleton, the value of its keyword argument embedding_model will be the value of the my_embedding_model singleton.

This is useful if you have more than one embedding model singletons in one config file. If you have just one embedding model in your config file, you could instead write the above as:

    _callable: "@my_module.models.embedding_model()"
    location: "/path/to/embedding_model/weights.h5"
    _callable: "@my_module.models.classifier_model()"
    location: "/path/to/embedding_model/weights.h5"

Notice that we've changed the name of our embedding model singleton from my_embedding_model to embedding_model, which coincides with the my_module.models.classifier_model argument embedding_model. Therefore we can omit the line classifier_model.embedding_model: "${embedding_model}", because this is the default behaviour anyway.

confr.modified_conf and overrides

When working in a notebook, you may not want to modify the yaml file to change the configuration. You could instead initialize the configuration by selectively providing overrides to the keys you care about like this:

confr.init(overrides={"override_key1": "v1", "override_key2": "v2"})

Here, all configurations will be taken from _base.yaml, and the keys override_key1 and override_key2 would respectively have values "v1" and "v2".

You may also want to provide overrides to config values temporarily, for the duration of calling a function (and any downstream functions called by this function). For example, you might want to iterate over a list of p_thresh values and accuracy metrics for each p_thresh.

Our first attempt at solving this would look like this:

for p_thresh in p_thresholds:
    precision = calculate_precision(x, y, p_thresh=p_thresh)

This would work if calculate_precision is the only place that uses the p_thresh that's passed in. But if calculate_precision calls another function that defines sub_function(p_thresh=confr.value), then the value of p_thresh will be the same as in _base.yaml and not the one we passed to calculate_precision. What we need here is to temporarily set the value of p_thresh config key in the whole confr, like this:

for p_thresh in p_thresholds:
    with confr.modified_conf(p_thresh=p_thresh):
        precision = calculate_precision(x, y)

Accessing active configuration

Sometimes we need to explicitly fetch the value of a key in our config system. You can use confr.get and confr.set accessors to modify the current active conf:

import confr

confr.init(conf={"key1": "val1"})

confr.get("key1") # returns "val1"
confr.set("key1", "overwritten")
confr.get("key1") # returns "overwritten"

# can also write novel keys
confr.set("key2", "val2")
confr.get("key2") # returns "val2"

You can also save the current active configuration as a yaml file. We do this at the end of training, for example, since the conf file will need to be loaded when we re-initialize the model for inference.



Configuration system geared towards Python ML projects







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