LinkBytes is a link shortener API. You can use it directly with Postman or from a frontend app.
- restify
- restify-cors-middleware
- restify-errors
- restify-plugins
- dotenv
- mongoose
- nanoid
you will need to make a .env based on the ".env-template" file.
API_NAME = <give it a name>
PORT = <port to listen on>
VERSION = <set your version>
DB_URL = <mongodb URI>
npm install
npm run start
The core api currently routes 2 endpoints:
This endpoint is for generating the short url code. It returns only the code needed.
This endpoint is for redirecting to the original URL based on the give code.
An Example:
- returns a url code of "f32R_Ut"
- you can then redirect with "https://localhost:3001/f32R_Ut"
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.