This is a prototype Spring Boot application for a tool rental service. The application provides REST APIs for managing tool rentals and stores data in a MongoDB database. The application assumes infinite availability for customers.
- Features
- Requirements
- Specification Notes
- Setup
- Running the Application
- API Endpoints
- Default Data
- Running Tests
- Contributing
- License
- Manage tools and rental agreements.
- Determine business days and holidays for rental periods.
- Tool Checkout: Check out tools with rental days and discounts.
- Charge Calculation: Calculate pre-discount and final charges based on rental duration and discounts.
- Rental Agreement Generation: Create rental agreements with detailed information.
- Java 21 or higher
- Docker and Docker Compose
- MongoDB (will be loaded from docker)
- Java 21: Programming language used for application development.(Required)
- Spring Boot 3.3.2: Framework for building the RESTful API.
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing tool and rental information.
- Gradle: Build tool for managing dependencies and building the project.(Gradle wrapper "./gradlew" should avoid the need to install )
- Docker: Containerization platform used with
for Docker integration.
The class exercises all date and holiday calculation logic to ensure accuracy and robustness. exercises test scenarios 1 thru 6 along with demo-ing printRentalAgreement
git clone
cd mp0727
1. **Clone the repository**
git clone
cd mp0727
2. **Build the project(will exercise tests in build. run ./gradlew test to just run tests)**
./gradlew build
3. **Run the application**
./gradlew bootRun
4. **Access the application**
The application will be running on `http://localhost:8080`.
### API Documentation
The OpenAPI reference can be found at [http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html](http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html).
This provides interactive documentation for all available API endpoints.
The api's are fairly generic rest api into the repositorys of (tools, rentals, users).
The checkout api call be called thru:
- **URL**: `/rentals/checkout`
- **Method**: `POST`
**Payload**: ```json
"customerId": "mpayne",
"toolCode": "JAKD",
"rentalDays": 5,
"discountPercent": 0,
"checkOutDate": "2024-07-29"
"id": null,
"customerId": "mpayne",
"toolCode": "JAKD",
"toolType": "Jackhammer",
"toolBrand": "DeWalt",
"rentalDays": 5,
"checkOutDate": "2024-07-29",
"dueDate": "2024-08-03",
"chargeDays": 5,
"preDiscountCharge": 14.95,
"discountPercent": 0,
"discountAmount": 0,
"finalCharge": 14.95
By default there are 5 tools loaded at startup:
- **URL**: `/tools/tools?page=0&size=20`
- **Method**: `GET`
"toolCode": "CHNS",
"toolType": "Chainsaw",
"brand": "Stihl",
"dailyCharge": 1.49,
"weekdayCharge": true,
"weekendCharge": false,
"holidayCharge": true
"toolCode": "LADW",
"toolType": "Ladder",
"brand": "Werner",
"dailyCharge": 1.99,
"weekdayCharge": true,
"weekendCharge": true,
"holidayCharge": false
"toolCode": "JAKD",
"toolType": "Jackhammer",
"brand": "DeWalt",
"dailyCharge": 2.99,
"weekdayCharge": true,
"weekendCharge": false,
"holidayCharge": false
"toolCode": "JAKR",
"toolType": "Jackhammer",
"brand": "Ridgid",
"dailyCharge": 2.99,
"weekdayCharge": true,
"weekendCharge": false,
"holidayCharge": false
"toolCode": "string",
"toolType": "string",
"brand": "string",
"dailyCharge": 0,
"weekdayCharge": true,
"weekendCharge": true,
"holidayCharge": true