GitHub Bot that handle the creation of the Cloud test server for Pull Requests in Mattermost Org.
In order to utilize Kubernetes Spinwick creation, matteriwck must be able to access the following 2 environment variables:
You can find how to generate these by following the documentation
To run Matterwick locally:
Copy config/config-matterwick.default.json to config-matterwick.json: cp config/config-matterwick.default.json config/config-matterwick.json
Populate the values in config-matterwick.json
make build-image # Build the matterwick image (also builds the go code)
make build # (optional) can be used later to rebuild the code without rebuilding the entire image
docker run --volume=$(pwd)/config:/matterwick/config --volume=$(pwd)/build/_output/bin/matterwick:/matterwick/matterwick --volume=$(echo $HOME)/.kube:/.kube --volume=$(pwd)/templates:/matterwick/templates -p 8077:8077 --env-file=.env mattermost/matterwick:test
The above assumes you have a .kube/config.json file that is already authenticated with a Kubernetes cluster.
For use with ngrok, you can input ngrok http 8077
. You can then point your github webhook at the ngrok URL.
To rebuild the go code run make build
You do not need to rebuild the docker image unless you make changes to the Dockerfile. You must restart your docker container after a make build
in order to see changes