Fast ctypes-based wrapper around libhashring.
What is a hash ring? Check this out.
For now, clone from this repo:
$ pip install -e git+
Documentation online at Read the Docs.
But here's a quick example! Let's say that you want to increase parallel
downloads of your site's assets by the browser via domain sharding.
You've created four CNAME records pointing to your CDN,
, and
and you want to use a hash ring to select which address will serve
a specific asset.
import hash_ring
# create a ring with nodes with 10 replicas
# and a handful of nodes
nodes = ['', '',
'', '']
ring = hash_ring.HashRing(replicas=10, nodes=nodes)
# or create an empty ring with the default number of replicas (5)
# and add nodes manually
ring = hash_ring.HashRing()
map(ring.add_node, nodes)
Now that you have a ring, you can find which domain
you should use to serve a specific asset. In this case,
we'll look up which domain matches artwork/1/header.jpg
# look up a node for a certain value, like a filename
cdn_endpoint = ring.lookup('artwork/1/header.jpg')
To run tests, run
$ python