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##realtime, scalable, cdi enhanced, 3-tier architecture

traditional architecture is often designed with web server along with an application server and database server. each of those components must scale independently. how to scale ? a box per component which often leads to inefficient distribution of resources

traditional architecture is suitable for stateless application with limited interaction between the connected clients. this is definitely not the case for realtime application where interactions between connected clients is the goal.

atinject framework address this issue.

the atinject project feature an unified pipeline which can deliver static content, run business logic and store data in a distributed fashion. just scale when more cpu, ram or storage is needed. affinity is the key in distributed architecture ; it require smart server but more importantly smart client

features (backend) :

  • cdi extensible framework, observers and interceptors
  • http static content delivery server
  • stateless http client / server
  • stateful http websocket client / server
  • fast, in-memory, distributed transaction
  • distributed event
  • map reduce operation
  • distributed / replicated cache
  • storage abstraction
  • entity versioning

features (frontend) :

  • javascript dto prototype generation
  • polymorphic dto support
  • javascript web socket service prototype generation

atinject backend is built on 4 key components :

  • weld provides the cdi backbone
  • netty provides the http and websockets transport between client and server
  • infinispan provides the distributed executor and map reduce framework, distributed and replicated cache and finally data storage abstraction
  • jackson provides the serialization framework used between client and server and the support for data versioning

atinject frontend is build on 2 key components :


mathieu lachance

####open source java technology enthuisiast video game industry grown up, worked 4 years as lead r&d backend for frimastudio along with a small intercourse at funcom as java developer. then i have been working for 2 years on some serious business project at myca health inc. as a software engineer. and at oracle as senior application developer. feel free to contact me, matlach


atinject is built with maven and require jdk7 to build and run. the easiest way to checkout, build and start using atinject is to follow the following steps:

  1. download eclipse kepler
  2. install maven integration for eclipse (m2e) plugin from eclipse marketplace
  3. install git scm connector from m2e marketplace
  4. checkout maven project from scm

TODO, null analysis @NonNull @Nullable @NonNullByDefault

TODO, running core

  • open IntegrationBootstrap run as... java application
  • mvn ... run / bat


Copyright 2013 the atinject project

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


atinject framework is divided into two big packages :

  1. org.atinject.core
  2. org.atinject.api

org.atinject.core package contains all classes required to manage a public web socket intensive application in a scalable way. it also contains all low level and utility classes to do so.

org.atinject.api package contains all classes built over the org.atinject.core package to manage an authoritative web socket intensive application in a scalable way. in other terms, api @Specializes the core.

note : there is no such org.atinject.spi package as everything has been designed to be fully overridable with defacto standard java injection mechanism.

atinject framework is bundled in 4 maven project :

  1. atinject, the parent project
  2. atinject-core, which contains the org.atinject.core package
  3. atinject-api, which contains the org.atinject.api package
  4. atinject-integration, which contains all the integration tests as well as all the packaging tools


Weld SE enhancements

Weld SE enhancements

CDI Provider



inject an slf4j logger interface based on the injection point bean class backed by the logback implementation. by default, logging level can be changed at runtime any time through it is mbean located under ch.qos.logback.classic.



@Inject Logger logger;

note : logback can be replaced by any slf4j compatible implementation by changing pom.xml.

Asynchronous Service

Wrap java ThreadPoolExecutor and ThreadFactory that will be used to perform all asynchronous operation. Asynchronous Service

@Asynchronous and Asynchronous Service

Provides a way to execute asynchronously a method that either returns void or Future<?>. Asynchronous execution of the method is ensured by the AsynchronousService. usage:

@Asynchronous public void performAsynchronously(...){...}
@Asynchronous public Future<?> performAsynchronously(...){...}

public class PerformAllAsynchronously{...}


Wrap a java ForkJoinPool that will be used to perform any fork join operation.

Scheduled Service

Wrap a java ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor and ThreadFactory that will be used to perform all delayed operation. Scheduled Service

@Retry and Scheduled Service

Provides a way to re-execute a method which execution has failed using exponential backoff algorithm. By default, a method that has failed will try to re-executor 3 times with a backoff of 100ms. Execution and / or re-execution of the method is ensured by the ScheduledService. Retry count and backoff are configurable.


@Retry public Object performWithRetry(...){...}

@Retry(count=..., timeout=...) public Object performWithCustomRetry(...){...}

public class PerformAllWithRetry{...}

Timer and Clustered Timer Service

Provides a way to execute a method at a defined time of the day across the cluster. @Schedules{@Schedule[]} @Schedule(second, minute, hour, dayOfWeek, dayOfMonth, month, year, info, clustered)


@Schedule(seconds={-1}, minutes={-1}, hours={-1})
public void invokeEachSeconds(){...}

public void invokeEachMidnightGMT(){...}

public void invokeEachMidnightAmericas_New_York(){...}

@Schedule(daysOfTheMonth={1}, hours={13})
public void invokeEachFirstDayOfTheMonthAt1300(){...}

public void invokeEachMondayAtMidnightGMT(){...}

Job and Trigger

Reuse Timer and Clustered Timer Service to define programmatically invoke a Job with given Trigger(schedule)

@Profile and Profiling Service


Distributed Event and Distributed Event Service

Distributed Event Service


@Inject @Distributed Event<MyEvent> myEvent; MyEvent());

public void onMyEvent(@Observes MyEvent myEvent){...}

@Transactional, Transaction Manager and Transaction Services

@Transactional, Transaction Manager and Transaction Services


public class PerformAllWithinTransaction{...}

@Transactional public performWithinTransaction(...){...}

note : WebSocketService and Services are @Transactional

Transaction algorithms


// 1. with key, get value from cache
// 2. return value

get and create:

// 1. with key, get value from cache
// 2. if value is not null, return value
// 3. value is null, lock key
// 4. with key, get value from cache, again
// 5. if value is not null, return value
// 6. value is still null, create value
// 7. put newly created value in cache
// 8. return value

get and update:

// 1. lock key
// 2. with key, get value from get and create algorithm
// 3. update value
// 4. put updated value in cache
// 5. optionally return updated value

get and remove:

// 1. lock key
// 2. with key, get value from get algorithm
// 3. if value is not null, remove value from cache
// 4. optionally return removed value

@ValidateRequest, @ValidateMethod and Validation Service

running :


junit :


DTO and [Polymorphic] Serialization

DTO and Polymorphic Serialization DTO and Polymorphic Serialization

Entity, Versionable Entity and Serialization

Entities versioning in a relational database context is easy to manage. When something has to evolve, change the entity, run a sql migration script, done. Entities versioning in a no sql database is not that trivial but can be easily accomplish with some work. Storing entity as json make is easy to evolve.

Serialization is plain simple:

  1. write the current version number
  2. serialize object to json.

Deserialization :

  1. read version number
  2. if version number equals the current one, deserialize json.
  3. if not, for each version, read json, and update object as required by the new version.

see also @SerializeWith.

Entity, Versionable Entity and Serialization Entity, Versionable Entity and Serialization Entity, Versionable Entity and Serialization

public class VersionableUserExternalizer implements VersionableEntityExternalizer<UserEntity> {
    private static final int CURRENT_VERSION = 1;
    private VersionableEntityObjectMapper objectMapper;
    public void writeObject(ObjectOutput output, UserEntity user) throws IOException {
        objectMapper.writeObject(output, user, CURRENT_VERSION);

    public UserEntity readObject(ObjectInput input) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        int version = objectMapper.readVersion(input);
        byte[] json = objectMapper.readJSONBytes(input);
        switch (version) {
            // case ANY_OLD_VERSION :
            // read json as tree
            // then reconstruct object as needed ex:
            // JsonNode node = JSon.readTree(json);
            // UserEntity user = new UserEntity();
            // user.setName(node.get("name"));
            case CURRENT_VERSION:
                // just leave everything to jackson
                return objectMapper.readValue(json, UserEntity.class);
        throw new IOException("bad version '" + version + "'");



WebSocketService is responsible for managing incoming WebSocketRequest and outgoing WebSocketResponse and WebSocketNotification. All business logic should be handled to the Service.

Service is responsible of the business logic execution and coordinate the usage of the CacheStore.

CacheStore is responsible to providing all access to the ClusteredCache.


Factory is responsible to create any new entity or dto.

Adapter is responsible of the conversion of any entity to dto and vice-versa.

Each tiers possesses many predefined inheritable interceptors.

Clustered Cache Manager

Provides a wrapper around infinispan EmbeddedCacheManager. It also defines the infinispan GlobalConfiguration which is used especially to configure the cache transport. Cache transport defines :

  • machineId: identify the server uniquely across the cluster.
  • rackId: identify the server rack physically, ex: "blade-01".
  • siteId: identify the server site physically, ex: "bunker-01".

Topology Services

Provide a wrapper around infinispan TopologyAwareAddress TopologyService is also responsible to map a given machineId to it is url.

Session Services

A Session represents an individual connected via web socket (i.e. after web socket handshake has been completed). Session contains the channelId and machineId which identify physically where it is bound. After a successful login, the Session will be updated with the given userId. The Session is designed to be replicated across all servers and not be persisted by any means i.e. in-memory only.

Rendezvous Services

Rendezvous (French: rendez-vous), to visit, to meet, tryst, less exclusive than tête-à-tête.

Map a given rendezvousId to a specific TopologyAwareAddress. A rendezvousId must be generated to be affine with a given machineId. A RendezvousPoint represents is a group of Session. A RendezvousPoint is designed to be distributed but without any copy i.e. number of owner equals 1. As it is Session counterpart, RendezvousPoint should not also be persisted by any means.

Notification Services

Send a WebSocketNotification to a given Session or all Session included in a given RendezvousPoint.


User Topology Services

Map a given userId to a given TopologyAwareAddress.

Password Digester

When registering, client will provide it is password as clear text (over ssl). For subsequent login, client will provide it is hashed password (over ssl or not). PasswordDigester provides a way to hash a password using a pre-defined algorithm making the application less vunerable to attack. SimplePasswordDigester use SHA-1 algorithm to hash password as it is defacto provided by the JVM.

note : to provide stronger encryption, PasswordDigester implementation can be replaced by defining an @Alternative class.

User and User Credential Services

A User represent an individual identified by it is UserCredential. UserCredential contains the username and password. A User is flagged as a guest as long as it does not have registered. After registration a User is flagged as registered. User and User Credential Services

Authentication, Registration and User Services

Authentication is the process of identifing a User with it is UserCredential while the Registration is the process of creating a User and it is UserCredential.

Registration is performed in two phases :

  • User register as a guest which generate a User with random username and password UserCredential.
  • a User flagged as a guest become flagged as registered when it provides it is own username and password UserCredential.

Authentication, Registration and User

User Lockout Decorator and Services

User Lockout Service decorates the AuthenticationService, especially the login method. If WrongPasswordException is raised, a count is added to the user. When the count reach a certain threshold a UserLockedException will raise not allowing user to further proceed with login.

Authorization, User, Role and Permission Services

Authorization, User, Role and Permission Services

TODO based on apache shiro design

Permissions are the most atomic level of a security policy and they are statements of functionality. Permissions represent what can be done in your application. A well formed permission describes a resource types and what actions are possible when you interact with those resources. Can you open a door? Can you read a file? Can you delete a customer record? Can you push a button? Common actions for data-related resources are create, read, update, and delete, commonly referred to as CRUD. It is important to understand that permissions do not have knowledge of who can perform the actions-- they are just statements of what actions can be performed.

In the context of Authorization, Roles are effectively a collection of permissions used to simplify the management of permissions and users. So users can be assigned roles instead of being assigned permissions directly, which can get complicated with larger user bases and more complex applications. So, for example, a bank application might have an administrator role or a bank teller role. An explicit role has permissions explicitly assigned to it and therefore is an explicit collection of permissions. Permission checks in code are a reflection of an explicit role. You can view patient data because because you have the view patient data permission as part of your administrator role. You can create an account because you have the create account permission as part of your bank teller role. You can perform these actions, not because of some implicit role name based on a string but because the corresponding permission was explicitly assigned to your role. The big benefits of explicit roles are easier manageability and lower maintenance of your application. If you ever need to add, remove, or change a role, you can do so without touching your source code

Shiro design

@RequiresUser, @RequiresGuest, @RequiresRoles, RequiresPermissions and Authorization Service

User Preference Service

Associate a given userId and preferenceId any UserPreference. A SimpleUserPreference provides the default implementation for UserPreference. All UserPreference are grouped by an UserPreferences.


as stated earlier, there is no org.atinject.spi package. here is how to customize atinject to fit all your needs.

How to extends Extension

alter the META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension file to add your own extension, remove extension or to change the order of the extensions. all extension define an interface so you can rewrite your own implementation


How to extends WebSocketService and/or Services

  1. extends the Service and add the @Alternative and @Specialize annotations
  2. activate the alternative in the META-INF/beans.xml file

How to extends Caches configuration

  1. extends the CacheProducer and add the @Alternative and @Specialize annotations
  2. active the alternive in the META-INF/beans.xml file
  3. override the @Produces method

How to extends DTO, non versionable Entity, Event and Exception

  1. extends Factory add the @Alternative and @Specialize annotation
  2. activate the alternative in the META-INF/beans.xml file
  3. extends the Pojo

How to extends versionable Entity

  1. do the same as for non versionable Entity
  2. extends the Entity VersionableExternalizer and add the @Alternative and Specialize annotations

Efficient data structure

in nosql architecture it is very important to limitate at a maximum searching operation. in distributed architecture it is also very important to limitate remote lookup. everything related to an User should use whenever possible the userId as key that way searching operation is limited within the entity and no remote lookup is done. this approach will work very efficiently in many scenario, where data structure is simple.

but what happen when

ex : user and documents

in a relational world :

user (pk userId, name), documents (pk documentId, fk userId, title, content)


nosql :

  1. user(userId, name, list of document), document(documentId, title, content)
  2. user(userId, name, list of documentId), document(documentId, title, content), document key (userId, documentId)
  3. user(userId, name), user documents(userId, list of documentId), document(documentId, title, content), document key(userId, documentId)
  4. user(userId, name), user documents(userId, list of document), document(documentId, title, content)


in 1, get one document

  1. with userId, get User
  2. with User, get Document

in 1 add or update or delete, one document

  1. lock userId
  2. with userId, get User
  3. with User, add/delete Document or get+update Document
  4. put User

in 2, get one document

  1. with userId, get User
  2. with User, get documentId
  3. with userId and documentId, get DocumentKey
  4. with DocumentKey, get Document

in 2, update one document

  1. lock userId
  2. with userId, get User
  3. with User, get documentId
  4. with userId and documentId, get DocumentKey
  5. lock DocumentKey
  6. with DocumentKey, get+update Document
  7. put Document

in 2, add/remove one document

  1. lock userId,
  2. with userId, get User
  3. with User, get documentId
  4. with userId and documentId, get DocumentKey
  5. lockDocumentKey
  6. add/remove documentId from User
  7. put/remove Document
  8. put User

in 3, get

same as 2, get is on UserDocuments instead of User

in 3, add or update or delete

same as 2, but lock is on UserDocuments instead of User

in 4, get

same as 1, get is on UserDocuments instead of User

in 4, add or update or delete

same as 1, but lock is on UserDocuments instead of User

as the examples go, the contention is moved from the User toward the Document.


who, when, what.

UserLogin -> time of the day UserLogout -> how much time logged in -> concurrent user GuestRegistration -> number of UserRegistration -> number of (guest to registered user conversion)


  1. install sonar
  2. run mvn clean install and followed by mvn sonar:sonar to perform analysis
  3. finally see results at http://localhost:9000


Notable differences with JavaEE:


  • CDI, skip CDI.current()
  • @Named, no default value, unique value restriction is relaxed, do not bind to expression langage (EL)


  • asynchronous, is applied inside the same class
  • schedule, notation using int instead of String, clustered

JSR-356 (websockets)

  • session, custom implementation
  • endpoint, not used

TODO, suggested jvm switches (java7u21)

  • -Xms1g : Specify the initial size, in bytes, of the memory allocation pool.
  • -Xmx1g : Specify the maximum size, in bytes, of the memory allocation pool.
  • -XX:NewRatio=1 : Ratio of new/old generation sizes.
  • -XX:+UseG1GC : Use the Garbage First (G1) Collector
  • -XX:+AggressiveOpts : Turn on point performance compiler optimizations that are expected to be default in upcoming releases.
  • -XX:CompileThreshold=8000 : Number of method invocations/branches before compiling,
  • : prefer ipv4

remote management (visual vm)


remote debug

  • -Xdebug
  • -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8787

TODO, quality : test with these jvm switches -XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+PrintInlining


realtime, scalable, cdi enhanced, 3-tier architecture






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