To see only the important files and not all LaTeX compilation files (.aux, .log, .out, ...) clone or download this repository and use a File Manager with the ability to hide files by extension such as ranger, Nautilus, Nemo, Caja or Thunar. These files can be useful, for instance, for faster compilation, correct .pdf rendering or for error debugging. See also How To Hide Files And Folders in File Manager Without Renaming. To hide files in github, you can also use this Google Chrome extension.
Run at the linux terminal
$ sh
├── code
│ ├── datasets
│ ├── R
│ └── scripts
├── figs
│ ├── other # figures downloaded, pictures, or edited with an image editor
│ ├── results # figures exported from R, python
│ └── TeX # tikz figures
├── pptx # presentations (beamer/latex, .pptx, html5)
├── prewriting
├── review # review and comments from advisors
└── TeX # References (.bib), sections or chapters (.tex) LaTeX files
├── config # LaTeX .sty, .cls, macros.tex
├── output # Latex compilation filex (.aux, .log,...)
└── tables # tables of the document in .tex files, csv tables
- docTemplate.docx # for conversion with pandoc
- # README file for the code development project
- # ToDo file. list of task/improvements to do in a future
- LiterateProgramming.Rnw # use this and omit the "codes" folder if the document is small up to 20 or 30 pages maximum
- main.rmd # notice that .Rnw is faster and more neat than .rmd
In each subdirectory can be local and files.