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Distributed backend built with Django Rest Framework and Docker to query current US stocks quotes.

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Python/Django Challenge

Python/Django code challenge proposed by Jobsity. (I passed and got a job offer at the time)


Architecture Diagram

  1. A user makes a request asking for Apple's current Stock quote: GET /stock?
  2. The API service calls the stock service to retrieve the requested stock information
  3. The stock service delegates the call to the external API, parses the response, and returns the information back to the API service.
  4. The API service saves the response from the stock service in the database.
  5. The data is formatted and returned to the user.

Installation and deploy

Docker and Docker Compose

Install Docker and Docker Compose following the official documentation (

sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose
docker-compose --version # test installation


Use Docker Compose to install and start both Django projects api_service and stock_service:

docker-compose build # build containers
docker-compose up    # start services

This commands will create two different running containers. To verify that containers started successfully:

sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                            COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                       NAMES
40bc3b6f6e8f   jobsity-django-challenge_api     "sh -c 'cd ./api_ser…"   45 minutes ago   Up 45 minutes>8001/tcp, :::8001->8001/tcp   api
b48631b42498   jobsity-django-challenge_stock   "sh -c 'cd ./stock_s…"   45 minutes ago   Up 45 minutes>8000/tcp, :::8000->8000/tcp   stock

Please make the sure ports 8000 and 8001 are not being used by another process. These ports will be used by:

  • internal API service stock_service
  • user-facing API service api_service

Two SQLite databases will be created. The first one to store api_service requests. The second to store stock_service unit tests.


Before requesting API endpoints, create a superuser and get a JWT token. All user-facing API endpoints have JWT authentication.

Create superuser

docker exec -it api python api_service/ createsuperuser

JWT Authentication credentials

To get your JWT token, please visit, and fill in the username and password:

JWT credentials

You can use access to authenticate endpoints for ten hours. After that you need to request another JWT token.

CRUD pages

You can also create a user (not superuser) visiting (page created to facilitate authentication and testing of non-superuser endpoints).

Register new user

Visit the login page at


Request using Postman

To request endpoints using Postman, download the app at and export the postman/jobsity-code-challenge.postman_collection.json collection.

Postman collection

To authenticate using Postman, paste your JWT token in Authorization > Type Bearer Token > Token.

Paste token


API service

  • or POST /auth/token


    "username": "matheus",
    "password": "123456"


      "refresh": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoicmVmcmVzaCIsImV4cCI6MTYzNjY1Nzc3OCwia...
      "access": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoiYWNjZXNzIiwiZXhwIjoxNjM2NjA3Mzc4LCJpYX...

Postman screenshot

  • or GET /stock?


  "name": "APPLE",
  "symbol": "AAPL.US",
  "open": 123.66,
  "high": 123.66,
  "low": 122.49,
  "close": 123

Postman screenshot

  • or GET /history


    {"date": "2021-04-01T19:20:30Z", "name": "APPLE", "symbol": "AAPL.US", "open": "123.66", "high": 123.66, "low": 122.49, "close": "123"},
    {"date": "2021-03-25T11:10:55Z", "name": "APPLE", "symbol": "AAPL.US", "open": "121.10", "high": 123.66, "low": 122, "close": "122"},

Postman screenshot

  • or GET /stats


    {"stock": "", "times_requested": 5},
    {"stock": "", "times_requested": 2},

Postman screenshot

Stock service or GET /stock?


  "name": "APPLE",
  "symbol": "AAPL.US",
  "open": 123.66,
  "high": 123.66,
  "low": 122.49,
  "close": 123

Postman screenshot


API service

To run API service unit tests:

docker exec -it api python api_service/ test api

api_service has seven different unit tests, all passing:

Ran 7 tests in 5.051s


Stock service

To run Stock service unit tests:

docker exec -it stock python stock_service/ test stock_service

stock_service has three different unit tests, all passing:

Ran 3 tests in 2.243s



All required features were completed.

API service

✔️ Endpoints in the API service should require authentication (no anonymous requests should be allowed). Each request should be authenticated via Basic Authentication.
✔️ When a user makes a request to get a stock quote (calls the stock endpoint in the api service), if a stock is found, it should be saved in the database associated to the user making the request.
✔️ A user can get his history of queries made to the api service by hitting the history endpoint. The endpoint should return the list of entries saved in the database, showing the latest entries first.
✔️ A super user (and only super users) can hit the stats endpoint, which will return the top 5 most requested stocks.
✔️ All endpoint responses should be in JSON format.

Stock service

✔️ Endpoints in this service don't need to be authenticated.
✔️ When a stock request is received, this service should query an external API to get the stock information. For this challege, use this API: ​{stock_code}&f=sd2t2ohlcvn&h&e=csv​.


Bonus features:

✔️ Add unit tests for the bot and the main app.
✔️ Use JWT instead of basic authentication for endpoints.

Not requested bonus features:

✔️ Login, Register and Homepage pages to authenticate user and request JWT token.
✔️ Project created with Docker for easier project setup and deploy.
✔️ Endpoints documented using Postman.


Distributed backend built with Django Rest Framework and Docker to query current US stocks quotes.






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