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affeldt-aist committed Aug 21, 2021
1 parent 0f6ce3e commit c3a7525
Showing 1 changed file with 65 additions and 58 deletions.
123 changes: 65 additions & 58 deletions theories/simple_function.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ Require Import classical_sets posnum topology normedtype sequences measure.
(* simple functions. *)
(* *)
(* sfun == type of simple functions *)
(* sfun_cst == constant simple function *)
(* sfun_cst == constant simple functions *)
(* sfun_scale == scaling of simple functions *)
(* sfun_add f g == addition of simple functions *)
(* nnsfun == type of non-negative simple functions *)
(* sintegral == integral of a simple function *)
(* integral == integral of a nonnegtive measurable function *)
(* integral == integral of a nonnegative measurable function *)
(* integrable == the integral is < +oo *)
(* *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ rewrite [LHS](eq_bigr (fun k : 'I_(ssize (sfun_scale point r f)) =>
rewrite /SFun.pi /set1 /= => ->.
rewrite {1}(negbTE r0) (nth_map 0) //.
by rewrite (leq_trans (ltn_ord i)) // ssize_sfun_scale_neq0.
rewrite sume_distrr; last first.
rewrite ge0_sume_distrr; last first.
move=> i _; rewrite mule_ge0 //; first exact: NNSFun_ge0.
by apply: measure_ge0; exact: SFun.mpi.
pose castK := cast_ord (esym (ssize_sfun_scale_neq0 point f r0)).
Expand All @@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ transitivity (\sum_(i < n) \sum_(l < p)
under eq_bigr do rewrite measure_sfun_add_pi.
transitivity (\sum_(i : 'I_(ssize (sfun_add f g))) (\sum_(x in sfun_add_pidx i)
((SFun.codom f)`_x.1 + (SFun.codom g)`_x.2)%:E * m (SFun.pi f x.1 `&` SFun.pi g x.2)))%E.
apply eq_bigr => i _; rewrite sume_distrr //; last first.
apply eq_bigr => i _; rewrite ge0_sume_distrr //; last first.
by move=> kl _; rewrite measure_ge0 //; apply: measurableI; exact: SFun.mpi.
by apply eq_bigr => x; rewrite !inE => /andP[] /eqP ->.
rewrite [in RHS]pair_big.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ transitivity
(\sum_(i < p) (\sum_(j < n) ((SFun.codom g)`_i)%:E * m (SFun.pi g i `&` SFun.pi f j)) +
\sum_(k < n) ((SFun.codom f)`_k)%:E * m (SFun.pi f k))%E; last first.
congr adde; apply eq_bigr => i _.
rewrite sume_distrr // => j _; rewrite measure_ge0 //.
rewrite ge0_sume_distrr // => j _; rewrite measure_ge0 //.
by apply: measurableI => //; exact: SFun.mpi.
have ffg : forall k, m (SFun.pi f k) = (\sum_(l < p) m (SFun.pi f k `&` SFun.pi g l))%E.
move=> k; rewrite -[in LHS](setIT (SFun.pi f k)) -(bigcup_sfun g) big_distrr /=.
Expand All @@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ under [X in _ = (_ + X)%E]eq_bigr do rewrite ffg; rewrite {ffg}.
transitivity (\sum_(i < p) \sum_(i0 < n) ((SFun.codom g)`_i)%:E * m (SFun.pi g i `&` SFun.pi f i0) +
\sum_(i < n) \sum_(l < p) ((SFun.codom f)`_i)%:E * m (SFun.pi f i `&` SFun.pi g l))%E; last first.
congr adde; apply eq_bigr => i _.
rewrite sume_distrr // => j _; rewrite measure_ge0 //.
rewrite ge0_sume_distrr // => j _; rewrite measure_ge0 //.
by apply: measurableI => //; exact: SFun.mpi.
rewrite [X in _ = (X + _)%E]exchange_big.
rewrite -big_split; apply eq_bigr => i _.
Expand All @@ -847,13 +847,6 @@ End sintegralD.
Definition nondecreasing_seq_fun (T : measurableType) d (R : porderType d) (f : (T -> R)^nat) :=
(forall x, nondecreasing_seq (f^~x)).

(* TODO: move *)
Lemma eq_preimage (aT rT : Type) (f g : aT -> rT) (A : set rT) :
f =1 g -> f @^-1` A = g @^-1` A.
by move=> fg; rewrite predeqE => r; split; rewrite /preimage /mkset fg.

(* NB: equivalent of lte_lim for realFieldType *)
Lemma lt_lim (R : realFieldType) (u : (R^o)^nat) (M : R) :
nondecreasing_seq u -> cvg u -> M < lim u ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -900,7 +893,7 @@ Lemma ereal_lim_sum (R : realType) (I : Type) (r : seq I) (f : I -> (\bar R)^nat
(forall k, f k --> l k) ->
(fun n : nat => \sum_(k <- r | P k) f k n)%E --> (\sum_(k <- r | P k) l k)%E.
elim: r => [h fl|a b ih h fl].
elim: r => [_ fl|a b ih h fl].
rewrite !big_nil.
rewrite (_ : (fun _ => _) = (fun=> 0%E)).
exact: cvg_cst.
Expand All @@ -910,7 +903,7 @@ rewrite (_ : (fun _ => _) = (fun n : nat => (if P a then f a n + \sum_(k <- b |
by under eq_fun do rewrite big_cons.
case: ifPn => Pa.
apply: ereal_cvgD => //.
apply ge0_adde_def; rewrite !inE.
apply ge0_adde_defined; rewrite !inE.
(* TODO: lemma? *)
rewrite -(cvg_lim _ (fl a)) //; apply: ereal_lim_ge.
by apply/cvg_ex; exists (l a); exact: (fl a).
Expand All @@ -931,7 +924,8 @@ Lemma eq_sintegral (f g : sfun T R) : f =1 g -> sintegral m f = sintegral m g.
move=> fg.
rewrite 2!sintegralE (perm_big (SFun.codom g)); last exact: sfun_ext.
by apply: eq_bigr => r _; congr (_ * m _)%E; exact: eq_preimage.
apply: eq_bigr => r _.
by move: fg; rewrite -funeqE => ->.

(* TODO: order structure on functions *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1113,9 +1107,7 @@ Lemma nondecreasing_sintegral_lim_lemma :
suff h : forall c, 0 < c < 1 ->
(c%:E * sintegral mu g <= lim (sintegral mu \o f))%E.
apply/lee_addgt0Pr => //; first exact: sintegral_ge0.
apply: ereal_lim_ge; first exact: is_cvg_sintegral.
near=> n; exact: sintegral_ge0.
apply/lee_mul01Pr => //; first exact: sintegral_ge0.
move=> c /andP[c0 c1].
pose S_ n := [set x : T | c * g x <= f n x].
have S_ndecr : nondecreasing_seq S_.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2156,47 +2148,62 @@ Hypothesis mf : measurable_fun setT f.
Hypothesis g0 : forall x, (0 <= g x)%E.
Hypothesis mg : measurable_fun setT g.

Lemma integralK k (k0 : 0 <= k) : integral mu (fun x => k%:E * f x)%E = (k%:E * integral mu f)%E.
Lemma integralK k : 0 <= k ->
integral mu (fun x => k%:E * f x)%E = (k%:E * integral mu f)%E.
move: k0; rewrite le_eqVlt => /orP[/eqP k0|k0].
rewrite -k0 mul0e.
rewrite le_eqVlt => /orP[/eqP <-|k0].
under eq_fun do rewrite mul0e.
by rewrite integral0.
by rewrite mul0e integral0.
have [f_ [f_ndecr cf]] := approximation point mf f0.
pose kf_' := (fun n => nnsfun_scale point (f_ n) (ltW k0)).
rewrite (@nondecreasing_integral_lim _ point _ mu (fun x : T => k%:E * f x)%E _ kf_'); last 3 first.
move=> t; rewrite mule_ge0 //.
exact: ltW.
move=> t m n mn /=; rewrite ler_pmul //.
exact: ltW.
exact: NNSFun.ge0.
exact: f_ndecr.
move=> t.
have := cf t.
case: pselect => //= [cft|cft ftoo].
case: pselect => [/= ckft|].
move/(@ereal_cvgZ _ _ _ k).
by apply: cvg_trans => //.
move=> cft'.
apply cft'.
by apply: is_cvgZr.
case: pselect => h /=.
apply: cft.
by rewrite -(@is_cvgZrE _ _ _ _ _ k) ?gt_eqF//.
(* NB: lemma? *)
by rewrite ftoo /mule /= gt_eqF// lte_fin k0.
rewrite (_ : sintegral mu \o _ = fun n => sintegral mu (sfun_scale point k (f_ n))); last first.
by [].
transitivity (lim (fun n : nat => k%:E * sintegral mu (f_ n))%E).
congr (lim _).
rewrite funeqE => n.
by rewrite sintegralK.
rewrite elimZ; last first.
by apply is_cvg_sintegral => //.
congr (_ * _)%E.
rewrite -(nondecreasing_integral_lim point mu f0) //.
pose kf := fun n => nnsfun_scale point (f_ n) (ltW k0).
rewrite (@nondecreasing_integral_lim _ point _ mu (fun x => k%:E * f x)%E _ kf); last 3 first.
- by move=> t; rewrite mule_ge0 //; exact: ltW.
- by move=> t m n mn; rewrite ler_pmul //;[exact: ltW|exact: NNSFun.ge0|exact: f_ndecr].
- move=> t.
have := cf t.
case: pselect => /= [cft|cft ftoo].
case: pselect => [/= ckft /(@ereal_cvgZ _ _ _ k)|ckft]; first exact: cvg_trans.
by exfalso; apply: ckft; apply: is_cvgZr.
case: pselect => h /=.
apply: cft; move: h.
by rewrite is_cvgZrE // gt_eqF.
(* NB: lemma? *)
by rewrite ftoo /mule /= gt_eqF// lte_fin k0.
rewrite (_ : sintegral mu \o _ = fun n => sintegral mu (sfun_scale point k (f_ n))) //.
rewrite (_ : (fun _ => _) = (fun n => k%:E * sintegral mu (f_ n))%E); last first.
by rewrite funeqE => n; rewrite sintegralK.
rewrite elimZ; last exact: is_cvg_sintegral.
by rewrite -(nondecreasing_integral_lim point mu f0).

Lemma integralD : integral mu (f \+ g)%E = (integral mu f + integral mu g)%E.

Lemma le_integral : (forall x : T, f x <= g x)%E -> (integral mu f <= integral mu g)%E.

End semi_linearity.

Section monotone_convergence_theorem.
Variables (T : measurableType) (point : T) (R : realType).
Variables (mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (f : (T -> \bar R)^nat).
Hypothesis mf : forall n, measurable_fun setT (f n).
Hypothesis f0 : forall n x, (0 <= f n x)%E.
Hypothesis ndecr_f : nondecreasing_seq_fun f.

Lemma monotone_convergence : integral mu (fun x => lim (f^~ x)) = lim (fun n => integral mu (f n)).

End monotone_convergence_theorem.

Section fatou.
Variables (T : measurableType) (point : T) (R : realType).
Variables (mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (f : (T -> \bar R)^nat).
Hypothesis mf : forall n, measurable_fun setT (f n).
Hypothesis f0 : forall n x, (0 <= f n x)%E.

Lemma fatou : (integral mu (fun x => lim (f^~ x)) <= lim (fun n => integral mu (f n)))%E.

End fatou.

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