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instances for dependent function types
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Tragicus committed Nov 6, 2024
1 parent 3a5226b commit b6c10bc
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion classical/boolp.v
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Expand Up @@ -106,8 +106,11 @@ Proof. by have [propext _] := extensionality; apply: propext. Qed.

Ltac eqProp := apply: propext; split.

Lemma funext_dep {T} {U : T -> Type} (f g : forall t, U t) : (forall t, f t = g t) -> f = g.
Proof. exact/functional_extensionality_dep. Qed.

Lemma funext {T U : Type} (f g : T -> U) : (f =1 g) -> f = g.
Proof. by case: extensionality=> _; apply. Qed.
Proof. exact/funext_dep. Qed.

Lemma propeqE (P Q : Prop) : (P = Q) = (P <-> Q).
Proof. by apply: propext; split=> [->|/propext]. Qed.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion classical/cardinality.v
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Expand Up @@ -1340,7 +1340,7 @@ Section zmod.
Context (aT : Type) (rT : zmodType).
Lemma fimfun_zmod_closed : zmod_closed (@fimfun aT rT).
split=> [|f g]; rewrite !inE/=; first exact: finite_image_cst.
split=> [|f g]; rewrite !inE/=; first exact: (finite_image_cst 0).
by move=> fA gA; apply: (finite_image11 (fun x y => x - y)).
HB.instance Definition _ :=
Expand Down
129 changes: 100 additions & 29 deletions classical/functions.v
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Expand Up @@ -2568,61 +2568,132 @@ Qed.

Obligation Tactic := idtac.

Program Definition fct_zmodMixin (T : Type) (M : zmodType) :=
@GRing.isZmodule.Build (T -> M) \0 (fun f x => - f x) (fun f g => f \+ g)
Definition add_fun {aT} {rT : aT -> nmodType} (f g : forall x, rT x) x := f x + g x.
Definition opp_fun {aT} {rT : aT -> zmodType} (f : forall x, rT x) x := - f x.
Definition sub_fun {aT} {rT : aT -> zmodType} (f g : forall x, rT x) x := f x - g x.
Definition mul_fun {aT} {rT : aT -> semiRingType} (f g : forall x, rT x) x := f x * g x.
Definition scale_fun {aT} {R} {rT : aT -> lmodType R} (k : R) (f : forall x, rT x) x := k *: f x.

Notation "f \+ g" := (add_fun f g) : ring_scope.
Notation "\- f" := (opp_fun f) : ring_scope.
Notation "f \- g" := (sub_fun f g) : ring_scope.
Notation "f \* g" := (mul_fun f g) : ring_scope.
Notation "k \*: f" := (scale_fun k f) : ring_scope.

Arguments add_fun {_ _} f g _ /.
Arguments opp_fun {_ _} f _ /.
Arguments sub_fun {_ _} f g _ /.
Arguments mul_fun {_ _} f g _ /.
Arguments scale_fun {_ _ _} k f _ /.

Program Definition fct_zmodMixin (T : Type) (M : T -> zmodType) :=
@GRing.isZmodule.Build (forall t, M t) (fun=> 0) (fun f => \- f) (fun f g => f \+ g)
_ _ _ _.
Next Obligation. by move=> T M f g h; rewrite funeqE=> x /=; rewrite addrA. Qed.
Next Obligation. by move=> T M f g; rewrite funeqE=> x /=; rewrite addrC. Qed.
Next Obligation. by move=> T M f; rewrite funeqE=> x /=; rewrite add0r. Qed.
Next Obligation. by move=> T M f; rewrite funeqE=> x /=; rewrite addNr. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ (T : Type) (M : zmodType) := fct_zmodMixin T M.

Program Definition fct_ringMixin (T : pointedType) (M : ringType) :=
@GRing.Zmodule_isRing.Build (T -> M) (cst 1) (fun f g => f \* g) _ _ _ _ _ _.
Next Obligation. by move=> T M f g h; rewrite funeqE=> x /=; rewrite mulrA. Qed.
Next Obligation. by move=> T M f; rewrite funeqE=> x /=; rewrite mul1r. Qed.
Next Obligation. by move=> T M f; rewrite funeqE=> x /=; rewrite mulr1. Qed.
Next Obligation. by move=> T M f g h; rewrite funeqE=> x/=; rewrite mulrDl. Qed.
Next Obligation. by move=> T M f g h; rewrite funeqE=> x/=; rewrite mulrDr. Qed.
Next Obligation.
by move=> T M ; apply/eqP; rewrite funeqE => /(_ point) /eqP; rewrite oner_eq0.
by move=> T M f g h; apply/funext_dep => x /=; rewrite addrA.
HB.instance Definition _ (T : pointedType) (M : ringType) := fct_ringMixin T M.
Next Obligation.
by move=> T M f g; apply/funext_dep => x /=; rewrite addrC.
Next Obligation.
by move=> T M f; apply/funext_dep => x /=; rewrite add0r.
Next Obligation.
by move=> T M f; apply/funext_dep => x /=; rewrite addNr.
HB.instance Definition _ (T : Type) (M : T -> zmodType) := fct_zmodMixin M.

Program Definition fct_comRingType (T : pointedType) (M : comRingType) :=
GRing.Ring_hasCommutativeMul.Build (T -> M) _.
Program Definition fct_ringMixin (T : pointedType) (M : T -> ringType) :=
@GRing.Zmodule_isRing.Build (forall t, M t) (fun=> 1) (fun f g => f \* g) _ _ _ _ _ _.
Next Obligation.
by move=> T M f g h; apply/funext_dep => x /=; rewrite mulrA.
Next Obligation.
by move=> T M f g; rewrite funeqE => x; rewrite /GRing.mul/= mulrC.
by move=> T M f; apply/funext_dep => x /=; rewrite mul1r.
HB.instance Definition _ (T : pointedType) (M : comRingType) :=
fct_comRingType T M.
Next Obligation.
by move=> T M f; apply/funext_dep => x /=; rewrite mulr1.
Next Obligation.
by move=> T M f g h; apply/funext_dep => x/=; rewrite mulrDl.
Next Obligation.
by move=> T M f g h; apply/funext_dep => x/=; rewrite mulrDr.
Next Obligation.
by move=> T M ; apply/eqP => /(congr1 (fun f => f point)) /eqP; rewrite oner_eq0.
HB.instance Definition _ (T : pointedType) (M : T -> ringType) := fct_ringMixin M.

Program Definition fct_comRingType (T : pointedType) (M : T -> comRingType) :=
GRing.Ring_hasCommutativeMul.Build (forall t, M t) _.
Next Obligation.
by move=> T M f g; apply/funext_dep => x; apply/mulrC.
HB.instance Definition _ (T : pointedType) (M : T -> comRingType) :=
fct_comRingType M.

Section fct_lmod.
Variables (U : Type) (R : ringType) (V : lmodType R).
Program Definition fct_lmodMixin := @GRing.Zmodule_isLmodule.Build R (U -> V)
Variables (U : Type) (R : ringType) (V : U -> lmodType R).
Program Definition fct_lmodMixin := @GRing.Zmodule_isLmodule.Build R (forall u, V u)
(fun k f => k \*: f) _ _ _ _.
Next Obligation. by move=> k f v; rewrite funeqE=> x; exact: scalerA. Qed.
Next Obligation. by move=> f; rewrite funeqE=> x /=; rewrite scale1r. Qed.
Next Obligation.
by move=> f g h; rewrite funeqE => x /=; rewrite scalerDr.
by move=> k f v; apply/funext_dep => x; exact: scalerA.
Next Obligation.
by move=> f; apply/funext_dep => x /=; rewrite scale1r.
Next Obligation.
by move=> f g h; apply/funext_dep => x /=; rewrite scalerDr.
Next Obligation.
by move=> f g h; rewrite funeqE => x /=; rewrite scalerDl.
by move=> f g h; apply/funext_dep => x /=; rewrite scalerDl.
HB.instance Definition _ := fct_lmodMixin.
End fct_lmod.

Lemma fct_sumE (I T : Type) (M : zmodType) r (P : {pred I}) (f : I -> T -> M)
Lemma add_funE (T : pointedType) (M : T -> zmodType) (f g : forall t, M t) :
(f + g) = f \+ g.
Proof. exact/funext_dep. Qed.

Lemma opp_funE (T : Type) (M : T -> zmodType) (f : forall t, M t) : - f = \- f.
Proof. exact/funext_dep. Qed.

Lemma sub_funE (T : Type) (M : T -> zmodType) (f g : forall t, M t) :
(f - g) = f \- g.
Proof. exact/funext_dep. Qed.

Lemma fct_sumE (I T : Type) (M : T -> zmodType) r (P : {pred I}) (f : I -> forall t, M t)
(x : T) :
(\sum_(i <- r | P i) f i) x = \sum_(i <- r | P i) f i x.
Proof. by elim/big_rec2: _ => //= i y ? Pi <-. Qed.

Lemma mul_funE (T : pointedType) (M : T -> ringType) (f g : forall t, M t) :
(f * g) = f \* g.
Proof. exact/funext_dep. Qed.

Lemma scale_funE (T : Type) (R : ringType) (M : T -> lmodType R) (k : R) (f : forall t, M t) :
k *: f = k \*: f.
Proof. exact/funext_dep. Qed.

Lemma mul_funC (T : Type) {R : comSemiRingType} (f : T -> R) (r : R) :
r \*o f = r \o* f.
Proof. by apply/funext => x/=; rewrite mulrC. Qed.

End function_space.

Notation "f \+ g" := (add_fun f g) : ring_scope.
Notation "\- f" := (opp_fun f) : ring_scope.
Notation "f \- g" := (sub_fun f g) : ring_scope.
Notation "f \* g" := (mul_fun f g) : ring_scope.
Notation "k \*: f" := (scale_fun k f) : ring_scope.

Arguments add_fun {_ _} f g _ /.
Arguments opp_fun {_ _} f _ /.
Arguments sub_fun {_ _} f g _ /.
Arguments mul_fun {_ _} f g _ /.
Arguments scale_fun {_ _ _} k f _ /.

Section function_space_lemmas.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Import GRing.Theory.
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42 changes: 26 additions & 16 deletions theories/derive.v
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Expand Up @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ Section diff_locally_converse_tentative.
(* and thus a littleo of 1, and so is id *)
(* This can be generalized to any dimension *)
Lemma diff_locally_converse_part1 (f : R -> R) (a b x : R) :
f \o shift x = cst a + b *: idfun +o_ 0 id -> f x = a.
f \o shift x = cst a + b *: (@idfun R) +o_ 0 id -> f x = a.
rewrite funeqE => /(_ 0) /=; rewrite add0r => ->.
by rewrite -[LHS]/(_ 0 + _ 0 + _ 0) /cst [X in a + X]scaler0 littleo_lim0 ?addr0.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,12 +253,12 @@ Lemma derivable_nbhs (f : V -> W) a v :
move=> df; apply/eqaddoP => _/posnumP[e].
rewrite -nbhs_nearE nbhs_simpl /= dnbhsE; split; last first.
rewrite /at_point opprD -![(_ + _ : _ -> _) _]/(_ + _) scale0r add0r.
rewrite /at_point opprD !add_funE !opp_funE/= scale0r add0r.
by rewrite addrA subrr add0r normrN scale0r !normr0 mulr0.
have /eqolimP := df.
move=> /eqaddoP /(_ e%:num) /(_ [gt0 of e%:num]).
apply: filter_app; rewrite /= !near_simpl near_withinE; near=> h => hN0.
rewrite /= opprD -![(_ + _ : _ -> _) _]/(_ + _) -![(- _ : _ -> _) _]/(- _).
rewrite /= opprD !add_funE !opp_funE.
rewrite /cst /= [`|1|]normr1 mulr1 => dfv.
rewrite addrA -[X in X + _]scale1r -(@mulVf _ h) //.
rewrite mulrC -scalerA -scalerBr normrZ.
Expand All @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ move=> df; apply/cvg_ex; exists ('D_v f a).
apply/(@eqolimP _ _ _ (dnbhs_filter_on _))/eqaddoP => _/posnumP[e].
have /eqaddoP /(_ e%:num) /(_ [gt0 of e%:num]) := df.
rewrite /= !(near_simpl, near_withinE); apply: filter_app; near=> h.
rewrite /= opprD -![(_ + _ : _ -> _) _]/(_ + _) -![(- _ : _ -> _) _]/(- _).
rewrite /= opprD !add_funE !opp_funE.
rewrite /cst /= [`|1|]normr1 mulr1 addrA => dfv hN0.
rewrite -[X in _ - X]scale1r -(@mulVf _ h) //.
rewrite -scalerA -scalerBr normrZ normfV ler_pdivrMl ?normr_gt0 //.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ Variable R : numFieldType.
Fact dcst (V W : normedModType R) (a : W) (x : V) : continuous (0 : V -> W) /\
cst a \o shift x = cst (cst a x) + \0 +o_ 0 id.
split; first exact: cst_continuous.
split; first exact: (@cst_continuous _ _ 0).
apply/eqaddoE; rewrite addr0 funeqE => ? /=; rewrite -[LHS]addr0; congr (_ + _).
by rewrite littleoE; last exact: littleo0_subproof.
Expand All @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ Fact dadd (f g : V -> W) x :
move=> df dg; split => [?|]; do ?exact: continuousD.
apply/(@eqaddoE R); rewrite funeqE => y /=; rewrite -[(f + g) _]/(_ + _).
by rewrite ![_ (_ + x)]diff_locallyx// addrACA addox addrACA.
by rewrite add_funE ![_ (_ + x)]diff_locallyx// addrACA addox addrACA.

Fact dopp (f : V -> W) x :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -521,8 +521,8 @@ Lemma diff_unique (V W : normedModType R) (f : V -> W)
continuous df -> f \o shift x = cst (f x) + df +o_ 0 id ->
'd f x = df :> (V -> W).
move=> dfc dxf; apply/subr0_eq; rewrite -[LHS]/(_ \- _).
apply/littleo_linear0/eqoP/eq_some_oP => /=; rewrite funeqE => y /=.
move=> dfc dxf; apply/subr0_eq/(@littleo_linear0 _ _ (GRing.sub_fun _ _))/eqoP.
apply/eq_some_oP => /=; rewrite funeqE => y /=.
have hdf h : (f \o shift x = cst (f x) + h +o_ 0 id) ->
h = f \o shift x - cst (f x) +o_ 0 id.
move=> hdf; apply: eqaddoE.
Expand All @@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ by rewrite littleo_center0 (comp_centerK x id) -[- _ in RHS](comp_centerK x).

Lemma diff_cst (V W : normedModType R) a x : ('d (cst a) x : V -> W) = 0.
Proof. by apply/diff_unique; have [] := dcst a x. Qed.
Proof. by apply/(@diff_unique _ _ _ \0); have [] := dcst a x. Qed.

Variables (V W : normedModType R).

Expand All @@ -558,7 +558,10 @@ Proof. exact: DiffDef (differentiable_cst _ _) (diff_cst _ _). Qed.
Lemma diffD (f g : V -> W) x :
differentiable f x -> differentiable g x ->
'd (f + g) x = 'd f x \+ 'd g x :> (V -> W).
Proof. by move=> df dg; apply/diff_unique; have [] := dadd df dg. Qed.
move=> df dg.
by apply/(@diff_unique _ _ _ (GRing.add_fun _ _)); have [] := dadd df dg.

Lemma differentiableD (f g : V -> W) x :
differentiable f x -> differentiable g x -> differentiable (f + g) x.
Expand All @@ -576,7 +579,8 @@ Qed.
Lemma differentiable_sum n (f : 'I_n -> V -> W) (x : V) :
(forall i, differentiable (f i) x) -> differentiable (\sum_(i < n) f i) x.
by elim/big_ind : _ => // ? ? g h ?; apply: differentiableD; [exact:g|exact:h].
elim/big_ind : _ => //[_|? ? g h ?]; first exact/(@differentiable_cst _ 0).
by apply: differentiableD; [exact:g|exact:h].

Lemma diffN (f : V -> W) x :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -614,7 +618,10 @@ Proof. by move=> /differentiableP df /differentiableP dg. Qed.

Lemma diffZ (f : V -> W) k x :
differentiable f x -> 'd (k *: f) x = k \*: 'd f x :> (V -> W).
Proof. by move=> df; apply/diff_unique; have [] := dscale k df. Qed.
move=> df.
by apply/(@diff_unique _ _ _ (GRing.scale_fun _ _)); have [] := dscale k df.

Lemma differentiableZ (f : V -> W) k x :
differentiable f x -> differentiable (k *: f) x.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1152,7 +1159,7 @@ Global Instance is_derive_sum n (h : 'I_n -> V -> W) (x v : V)
(dh : 'I_n -> W) : (forall i, is_derive x v (h i) (dh i)) ->
is_derive x v (\sum_(i < n) h i) (\sum_(i < n) dh i).
by elim/big_ind2 : _ => // [|] *; [exact: is_derive_cst|exact: is_deriveD].
by elim/big_ind2 : _ => // [|] *; [exact/(is_derive_cst 0)|exact: is_deriveD].

Lemma derivable_sum n (h : 'I_n -> V -> W) (x v : V) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1324,7 +1331,10 @@ by rewrite [in LHS]mulr_natl exprfctE -mulrSr mulr_natl.

Lemma derivableX f n (x v : V) : derivable f x v -> derivable (f ^+ n) x v.
Proof. by case: n => [_|n /derivableP]; [rewrite expr0|]. Qed.
case: n => [_|n /derivableP]; last by [].
by rewrite expr0; apply/(derivable_cst (1 : R)).

Lemma deriveX f n (x v : V) : derivable f x v ->
'D_v (f ^+ n.+1) x = (n.+1%:R * f x ^+ n) *: 'D_v f x.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1378,7 +1388,7 @@ Proof. by rewrite derive1E derive_cst. Qed.
Lemma exprn_derivable {R : numFieldType} n (x : R) v :
derivable (@GRing.exp R ^~ n) x v.
elim: n => [/=|n ih]; first by rewrite (_ : _ ^~ _ = 1).
elim: n => [/=|n ih]; first by rewrite (_ : _ ^~ _ = cst 1).
rewrite (_ : _ ^~ _ = (fun x => x * x ^+ n)); last first.
by apply/funext => y; rewrite exprS.
by apply: derivableM; first exact: derivable_id.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1573,7 +1583,7 @@ have gcont : {within `[a, b], continuous g}.
move=> x; apply: continuousD _ ; first by move=>?; exact: fcont.
by apply/continuousN/continuous_subspaceT=> ?; exact: scalel_continuous.
have gaegb : g a = g b.
rewrite /g -![(_ - _ : _ -> _) _]/(_ - _).
rewrite /g !add_funE !opp_funE.
apply/eqP; rewrite -subr_eq /= opprK addrAC -addrA -scalerBl.
rewrite [_ *: _]mulrA mulrC mulrA mulVf.
by rewrite mul1r addrCA subrr addr0.
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions theories/esum.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -587,9 +587,10 @@ move=> /cvgrPdist_lt cvgAB; apply/cvgrPdist_lt => e e0.
move: cvgAB => /(_ _ e0) [N _/= hN] /=.
near=> n.
rewrite distrC subr0.
have -> : (C_ = A_ \- B_)%R.
have -> : (C_ = A_ - B_)%R.
apply/funext => k.
rewrite /= /A_ /C_ /B_ -sumrN -big_split/= -summable_fine_sum//.
rewrite /= /A_ /C_ /B_ sub_funE/=.
rewrite -sumrN -big_split/= -summable_fine_sum//.
apply eq_bigr => i Pi; rewrite -fineB//.
- by rewrite [in LHS](funeposneg f).
- by rewrite fin_num_abs (@summable_pinfty _ _ P) //; exact/summable_funepos.
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15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions theories/ftc.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -839,7 +839,8 @@ set f := fun x => if x == a then r else if x == b then l else F^`() x.
have fE : {in `]a, b[, F^`() =1 f}.
by move=> x; rewrite in_itv/= => /andP[ax xb]; rewrite /f gt_eqF// lt_eqF.
have DPGFE : {in `]a, b[, (- (PG \o F))%R^`() =1 ((G \o F) * (- f))%R}.
move=> x /[dup]xab /andP[ax xb]; rewrite derive1_comp //; last first.
move=> x /[dup]xab /andP[ax xb].
rewrite (@derive1_comp _ _ (@GRing.opp R)) //; last first.
apply: diff_derivable; apply: differentiable_comp; apply/derivable1_diffP.
by case: Fab => + _ _; exact.
by case: PGFbFa => + _ _; apply; exact: decreasing_image_oo.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -886,7 +887,8 @@ rewrite oppeD//= -(continuous_FTC2 ab _ _ DPGFE); last 2 first.
- have [/= dF rF lF] := Fab.
have := derivable_oo_continuous_bnd_within PGFbFa.
move=> /(continuous_within_itvP _ FbFa)[_ PGFb PGFa]; split => /=.
- move=> x xab; apply/derivable1_diffP; apply: differentiable_comp => //.
- move=> x xab; apply/derivable1_diffP.
apply: (differentiable_comp (g:[email protected] R)) => //.
apply: differentiable_comp; apply/derivable1_diffP.
by case: Fab => + _ _; exact.
by case: PGFbFa => + _ _; apply; exact: decreasing_image_oo.
Expand All @@ -909,7 +911,7 @@ rewrite oppeD//= -(continuous_FTC2 ab _ _ DPGFE); last 2 first.
rewrite gtr0_norm// ?subr_gt0//.
by near: t; exact: nbhs_left_ltBl.
apply: eq_integral_itv_bounded.
- rewrite mulrN; apply: measurableT_comp => //.
- rewrite mulrN; apply: (measurableT_comp (f:[email protected] R)) => //.
apply: (eq_measurable_fun ((G \o F) * F^`())%R) => //.
by move=> x; rewrite inE/= => xab; rewrite !fctE fE.
by move: mGFF'; apply: measurable_funS => //; exact: subset_itv_oo_cc.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -994,13 +996,14 @@ have mF' : measurable_fun `]a, b[ F^`().
apply: subspace_continuous_measurable_fun => //.
by apply: continuous_in_subspaceT => x /[!inE] xab; exact: cF'.
rewrite integral_itv_bndoo//; last first.
rewrite compA -(compA G -%R) (_ : -%R \o -%R = id); last first.
rewrite (compA _ -%R) -(compA G -%R) (_ : -%R \o -%R = id); last first.
by apply/funext => y; rewrite /= opprK.
apply: measurable_funM => //; apply: measurableT_comp => //.
apply: measurable_funM => //.
apply: (measurableT_comp (f:[email protected] R)) => //.
apply: (@eq_measurable_fun _ _ _ _ _ (- F^`())%R).
move=> x /[!inE] xab; rewrite [in RHS]derive1E deriveN -?derive1E//.
by case: Fab => + _ _; apply.
exact: measurableT_comp.
exact: (measurableT_comp (f:[email protected] R)).
rewrite [in RHS]integral_itv_bndoo//; last exact: measurable_funM.
apply: eq_integral => x /[!inE] xab; rewrite !fctE !opprK derive1E deriveN.
- by rewrite opprK -derive1E.
Expand Down

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