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lebesgue inner regularity lemma
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Co-authored-by: zstone <[email protected]>
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affeldt-aist and zstone1 committed Aug 7, 2023
1 parent 863e968 commit ae5d850
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,18 @@

### Added

- in `classical_sets.v`:
+ lemma `setU_id2r`
- in `lebesgue_measure.v`:
+ lemma `compact_measurable`

- in `measure.v`:
+ lemmas `outer_measure_subadditive`, `outer_measureU2`

- in `lebesgue_measure.v`:
+ declare `lebesgue_measure` as a `SigmaFinite` instance
+ lemma `lebesgue_regularity_inner_sup`

### Changed

- in `constructive_ereal.v`:
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions classical/classical_sets.v
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Expand Up @@ -650,6 +650,14 @@ Proof. by rewrite setUA !(setUAC _ C) -(setUA _ C) setUid. Qed.
Lemma setUUr A B C : A `|` (B `|` C) = (A `|` B) `|` (A `|` C).
Proof. by rewrite !(setUC A) setUUl. Qed.

Lemma setU_id2r C A B :
(forall x, (~` B) x -> A x = C x) -> (A `|` B) = (C `|` B).
move=> h; apply/seteqP; split => [x [Ax|Bx]|x [Cx|Bx]]; [|by right| |by right].
- by have [|/h {}h] := pselect (B x); [by right|left; rewrite -h].
- by have [|/h {}h] := pselect (B x); [by right|left; rewrite h].

Lemma setDE A B : A `\` B = A `&` ~` B. Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma setDUK A B : A `<=` B -> A `|` (B `\` A) = B.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1028,6 +1036,7 @@ Hint Resolve subsetUl subsetUr subIsetl subIsetr subDsetl subDsetr : core.
Notation setvI := setICl.
#[deprecated(since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6", note="Use setICr instead.")]
Notation setIv := setICr.
Arguments setU_id2r {T} C {A B}.

Section set_order.
Import Order.TTheory.
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69 changes: 60 additions & 9 deletions theories/lebesgue_measure.v
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Expand Up @@ -387,6 +387,12 @@ Qed.
Definition lebesgue_measure := measure_extension [the measure _ _ of hlength].
HB.instance Definition _ := Measure.on lebesgue_measure.

Let sigmaT_finite_lebesgue_measure : sigma_finite setT lebesgue_measure.
Proof. exact/measure_extension_sigma_finite/hlength_sigma_finite. Qed.

HB.instance Definition _ := @isSigmaFinite.Build _ _ _
lebesgue_measure sigmaT_finite_lebesgue_measure.

End itv_semiRingOfSets.
Arguments hlength {R}.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (0%:E <= hlength _) => solve[apply: hlength_ge0] : core.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1424,17 +1430,19 @@ by apply: measurableI => //; exact: open_measurable.

Lemma closed_measurable (U : set R) : closed U -> measurable U.
Proof. by move/closed_openC/open_measurable/measurableC; rewrite setCK. Qed.

Lemma compact_measurable (A : set R) : compact A -> measurable A.
move/closed_openC=> ?; rewrite -[U]setCK; apply: measurableC.
exact: open_measurable.
by move/compact_closed => /(_ (@Rhausdorff R)); exact: closed_measurable.

Lemma subspace_continuous_measurable_fun (D : set R) (f : subspace D -> R) :
measurable D -> continuous f -> measurable_fun D f.
move=> mD /continuousP cf; apply: (measurability (RGenOpens.measurableE R)).
move=> _ [_ [a [b ->] <-]]; apply: open_measurable_subspace => //.
by exact/cf/interval_open.

Corollary open_continuous_measurable_fun (D : set R) (f : R -> R) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1975,9 +1983,9 @@ wlog : eps epspos D mD finD / exists ab : R * R, D `<=` `[ab.1, ab.2]%classic.
by apply: compact_closed => //; exact: Rhausdorff.
exact: interval_closed.
- by move=> ? [/VDab []].
have -> : D `\` (V `&` `[a, b]) = (D `&` `[a, b]) `\` V `|` D `\` `[a, b].
by rewrite setDIr eqEsubset; split => z /=; case: (z \in `[a, b]);
(try tauto); try (by case; case; left); try (by case; case; right).
rewrite setDIr (setU_id2r ((D `&` `[a, b]) `\` V)); last first.
move=> z ; rewrite setDE setCI setCK => -[?|?];
by apply/propext; split => [[]|[[]]].
have mV : measurable V.
by apply: closed_measurable; apply: compact_closed => //; exact: Rhausdorff.
rewrite [eps]splitr EFinD (measureU mu) // ?lte_add //.
Expand All @@ -1999,10 +2007,53 @@ exists (`[a, b] `&` ~` U); split.
rewrite [_ `&` ~` _ ](iffRL (disjoints_subset _ _)) ?setCK // set0U.
move: mDeps; rewrite /D' ?setDE setCI setIUr setCK [U `&` D]setIC.
move => /(le_lt_trans _); apply; apply: le_measure; last by move => ?; right.
by rewrite inE; apply: measurableI => //; apply: open_measurable.
by rewrite inE; apply: measurableI => //; exact: open_measurable.
rewrite inE; apply: measurableU.
by (apply: measurableI; first exact: open_measurable); exact: measurableC.
by apply: measurableI => //; apply: open_measurable.
by apply: measurableI; [exact: open_measurable|exact: measurableC].
by apply: measurableI => //; exact: open_measurable.

Let lebesgue_regularity_innerE_bounded (A : set R) : measurable A ->
mu A < +oo ->
mu A = ereal_sup [set mu K | K in [set K | compact K /\ K `<=` A]].
move=> mA muA; apply/eqP; rewrite eq_le; apply/andP; split; last first.
by apply: ub_ereal_sup => /= x [B /= [cB BA <-{x}]]; exact: le_outer_measure.
apply/lee_addgt0Pr => e e0.
have [B [cB BA /= ABe]] := lebesgue_regularity_inner mA muA e0.
rewrite -{1}(setDKU BA) (@le_trans _ _ (mu B + mu (A `\` B)))//.
by rewrite setUC outer_measureU2.
by rewrite lee_add//; [apply: ereal_sup_ub => /=; exists B|exact/ltW].

Lemma lebesgue_regularity_inner_sup (D : set R) (eps : R) : measurable D ->
mu D = ereal_sup [set mu K | K in [set K | compact K /\ K `<=` D]].
move=> mD; have [?|] := ltP (mu D) +oo.
exact: lebesgue_regularity_innerE_bounded.
have /sigma_finiteP [/= F RFU [Fsub ffin]] := sigma_finiteT mu.
rewrite leye_eq => /eqP /[dup] + ->.
have {1}-> : D = \bigcup_n (F n `&` D) by rewrite -setI_bigcupl -RFU setTI.
move=> FDp; apply/esym/eq_infty => M.
have : (fun n => mu (F n `&` D)) @ \oo --> +oo.
rewrite -FDp; apply: nondecreasing_cvg_mu.
- by move=> i; apply: measurableI => //; exact: (ffin i).1.
- by apply: bigcup_measurable => i _; exact: (measurableI _ _ (ffin i).1).
- by move=> n m nm; apply/subsetPset; apply: setSI; exact/subsetPset/Fsub.
move/cvgey_ge => /(_ (M + 1)%R) [N _ /(_ _ (lexx N))].
have [mFN FNoo] := ffin N.
have [] := @lebesgue_regularity_inner (F N `&` D) _ _ _ ltr01.
- exact: measurableI.
- by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ (ffin N).2)// measureIl.
move=> V [/[dup] /compact_measurable mV cptV VFND] FDV1 M1FD.
rewrite (@le_trans _ _ (mu V))//; last first.
apply: ereal_sup_ub; exists V => //=; split => //.
exact: (subset_trans VFND (@subIsetr _ _ _)).
rewrite -(@lee_add2lE _ 1)// {1}addeC -EFinD (le_trans M1FD)//.
rewrite /mu (@measureDI _ _ _ _ (F N `&` D) _ _ mV)/=; last exact: measurableI.
rewrite ltW// lte_le_add // ?ge0_fin_numE //; last first.
by rewrite measureIr//; apply: measurableI.
by rewrite -setIA (le_lt_trans _ (ffin N).2)// measureIl//; exact: measurableI.

End lebesgue_regularity.
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33 changes: 32 additions & 1 deletion theories/measure.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3308,6 +3308,37 @@ Arguments outer_measure_ge0 {R T} _.
Arguments le_outer_measure {R T} _.
Arguments outer_measure_sigma_subadditive {R T} _.

Section outer_measureU.
Context d (T : semiRingOfSetsType d) (R : realType).
Variable mu : {outer_measure set T -> \bar R}.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.

Lemma outer_measure_subadditive (F : nat -> set T) n :
mu (\big[setU/set0]_(i < n) F i) <= \sum_(i < n) mu (F i).
pose F' := fun k => if (k < n)%N then F k else set0.
rewrite -(big_mkord xpredT F) big_nat (eq_bigr F')//; last first.
by move=> k /= kn; rewrite /F' kn.
rewrite -big_nat big_mkord.
have := outer_measure_sigma_subadditive mu F'.
rewrite (bigcup_splitn n) (_ : bigcup _ _ = set0) ?setU0; last first.
by rewrite bigcup0 // => k _; rewrite /F' /= ltnNge leq_addr.
move/le_trans; apply.
rewrite (nneseries_split n); last by move=> ?; exact: outer_measure_ge0.
rewrite [X in _ + X](_ : _ = 0) ?adde0//; last first.
rewrite eseries_cond/= eseries_mkcond eseries0//.
by move=> k _; case: ifPn => //; rewrite /F' leqNgt => /negbTE ->.
by apply: lee_sum => i _; rewrite /F' ltn_ord.

Lemma outer_measureU2 A B : mu (A `|` B) <= mu A + mu B.
have := outer_measure_subadditive (bigcup2 A B) 2.
by rewrite !big_ord_recl/= !big_ord0 setU0 adde0.

End outer_measureU.

Lemma le_outer_measureIC (R : realFieldType) T
(mu : {outer_measure set T -> \bar R}) (A X : set T) :
mu X <= mu (X `&` A) + mu (X `&` ~` A).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3532,7 +3563,7 @@ Notation "mu .-cara.-measurable" :=

Section caratheodory_measure.
Variables (R : realType) (T : pointedType).
Variable (mu : {outer_measure set T -> \bar R}).
Variable mu : {outer_measure set T -> \bar R}.
Let U := caratheodory_type mu.

Lemma caratheodory_measure0 : mu (set0 : set U) = 0.
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