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zstone1 committed May 15, 2023
1 parent e75f487 commit 69e8eef
Showing 1 changed file with 64 additions and 84 deletions.
148 changes: 64 additions & 84 deletions theories/topology.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6385,14 +6385,14 @@ Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

(* It turns out {family compact, U -> V} can be generalized to only assume *)
(* `topologicalType` on V. This topology is called the compact-open topology. *)
(* This topology is special becaise its the _only_ topology that will allow *)
(* This topology is special becaise it _only_ topology that will allow *)
(* curry/uncurry to be continuous. *)

Section compact_open.

Context {T U : topologicalType}.

Definition compact_open := (T->U)^o.
Definition compact_open : Type := T->U.

Section compact_open_setwise.
Context {K : set T}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6461,7 +6461,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma compact_open_open (K : set T) (O : set U) :
compact K -> open O -> open ([set g | g @` K `<=` O] : set compact_open).
pose C := [set g | g @` K `<=` O]; move=> cptK oO.
pose C := [set g | g @` K `<=` O]; move=> cptK oO.
exists [set C]; last by rewrite bigcup_set1.
move=> ? ->; exists (fset1 C) => //; last by rewrite set_fset1 bigcap_set1.
by move=> ?; rewrite ?inE => ->; exists (existT _ _ cptK) => // z Cz; exists O.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6491,43 +6491,41 @@ Lemma compact_open_fam_compactP (f : U -> V) (F : set (set (U -> V))) :
continuous f -> (Filter F) ->
{compact-open, F --> f} <-> {family compact, F --> f}.
move=> ctsf FF; split.
move/compact_open_cvgP=> cptOF; apply/cvg_sup; case=> K cptK R.
case=> D /= [[E oE <- /=] Ekf] /filterS; apply.
move: oE; rewrite openE => /(_ _ Ekf); case => ? [J entJ /=] EKR KfE.
near=> z; apply/KfE/EKR; case => u /= Kp.
rewrite /= /set_val /= /eqincl /incl/set_val /= /comp.
(have Ku : K u by rewrite inE in Kp); move: u Ku {D Kp}; near: z.
move/compact_near_coveringP/near_covering_withinP:(cptK); apply.
move=> u Ku; near (powerset_filter_from (@entourage V)) => E'.
have entE' : entourage E' by exact: (near (near_small_set _)).
pose C := f@^-1`(to_set E' (f u))%classic.
pose B := \bigcup_(z in K `&` closure C) interior (to_set E' (f z)).
have oB : open B by apply: bigcup_open => ? ?; exact: open_interior.
have fKB : f @` (K `&` closure C) `<=` B.
move=> ? [z ? <-]; exists z => //; rewrite /interior.
by rewrite -nbhs_entourageE; exists E'.
have cptKC : compact (K `&` closure C).
apply: compact_closedI => //; exact: closed_closure.
have := cptOF (K `&` closure C) B cptKC oB fKB.
exists (C, [set g | [set g x | x in K `&` closure C] `<=` B]).
- by apply: (ctsf) => //; rewrite /filter_of -nbhs_entourageE; exists E'.
- exact: cptOF.
- case=> z h /= [Cz KB Kz].
case: (KB (h z)); first by (exists z; split => //; apply: subset_closure).
move=> w [Kw Cw /interior_subset Jfwhz]; apply:subset_split_ent => //.
exists (f w); last apply:(near (small_ent_sub _) E') => //.
apply: subset_split_ent => //; exists (f u).
apply entourage_sym; apply:(near (small_ent_sub _) E') => //.
have [] := Cw (f@^-1` (to_set E' (f w))).
by apply: ctsf; rewrite /= -nbhs_entourageE; exists E'.
move=> r [Cr /= Ewr]; apply: subset_split_ent => //; exists (f r).
by apply:(near (small_ent_sub _) E') => //.
by apply entourage_sym; apply:(near (small_ent_sub _) E') => //.
move=> cptF; apply/compact_open_cvgP => K O cptK oO fKO.
apply: cptF; have := fam_compact_nbhs oO fKO cptK ctsf; apply: filter_app.
by near=> g => /= gKO ? [z Kx <-]; apply: gKO.
move=> ctsf FF; split; first last.
move=> cptF; apply/compact_open_cvgP => K O cptK oO fKO.
apply: cptF; have := fam_compact_nbhs oO fKO cptK ctsf; apply: filter_app.
by near=> g => /= gKO ? [z Kx <-]; apply: gKO.
move/compact_open_cvgP=> cptOF; apply/cvg_sup; case=> K cptK R.
case=> D [[E oE <-] Ekf] /filterS; apply.
move: oE; rewrite openE => /(_ _ Ekf); case => ? [J entJ] EKR KfE.
near=> z; apply/KfE/EKR; case => u Kp; rewrite /= /set_val /= /eqincl /incl.
(have Ku : K u by rewrite inE in Kp); move: u Ku {D Kp}; near: z.
move/compact_near_coveringP/near_covering_withinP:(cptK); apply.
move=> u Ku; near (powerset_filter_from (@entourage V)) => E'.
have entE' : entourage E' by exact: (near (near_small_set _)).
pose C := f@^-1`(to_set E' (f u)).
pose B := \bigcup_(z in K `&` closure C) interior (to_set E' (f z)).
have oB : open B by apply: bigcup_open => ? ?; exact: open_interior.
have fKB : f @` (K `&` closure C) `<=` B.
move=> ? [z ? <-]; exists z => //; rewrite /interior.
by rewrite -nbhs_entourageE; exists E'.
have cptKC : compact (K `&` closure C).
by apply: compact_closedI => //; exact: closed_closure.
have := cptOF (K `&` closure C) B cptKC oB fKB.
exists (C, [set g | [set g x | x in K `&` closure C] `<=` B]).
split; last exact: cptOF.
by apply: (ctsf) => //; rewrite /filter_of -nbhs_entourageE; exists E'.
case=> z h /= [Cz KB Kz].
case: (KB (h z)); first by (exists z; split => //; apply: subset_closure).
move=> w [Kw Cw /interior_subset Jfwhz]; apply:subset_split_ent => //.
exists (f w); last apply:(near (small_ent_sub _) E') => //.
apply: subset_split_ent => //; exists (f u).
apply entourage_sym; apply:(near (small_ent_sub _) E') => //.
have [] := Cw (f@^-1` (to_set E' (f w))).
by apply: ctsf; rewrite /= -nbhs_entourageE; exists E'.
move=> r [Cr /= Ewr]; apply: subset_split_ent => //; exists (f r).
by apply:(near (small_ent_sub _) E') => //.
by apply entourage_sym; apply:(near (small_ent_sub _) E') => //.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

End compact_open_uniform.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -8105,43 +8103,36 @@ Local Notation "U '~>' V" :=
Context {U V W : topologicalType}.

Lemma continuous_curry (f : U * V ~> W) :
continuous f -> continuous ((curry : ((U * V) ~> W) -> (U ~> V ~> W)) f).
continuous f -> continuous (curry f : (U ~> V ~> W)).
move=> ctsf x; apply/compact_open_cvgP => K O /= cptK oO fKO.
near=> z => /= w /= [+ + <-]; near: z.
near=> z => w /= [+ + <-]; near: z.
move/compact_near_coveringP/near_covering_withinP: cptK; apply.
move=> v Kv; have [[P Q] [Px Qv] PQfO]: nbhs (x,v) (f@^-1` O).
by apply: ctsf; move: oO; rewrite openE; apply; apply: fKO; exists v.
by exists (Q,P); [split => // |]; case=> b a /= [Qb Pa] Kb; apply: PQfO.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma continuous_uncurry_regular (f : U ~> V ~> W):
locally_compact [set: V] ->
@regular V ->
continuous f ->
(forall u, continuous (f u)) ->
continuous ((uncurry : (U ~> V ~> W) -> ((U * V) ~> W)) f).
locally_compact [set: V] -> @regular V -> continuous f ->
(forall u, continuous (f u)) -> continuous (uncurry f : ((U * V) ~> W)).
move=> lcV reg ctsf ctsfp /= [u v] D; rewrite /= nbhsE; case=> O [oO Ofuv].
move/filterS; apply.
have [B] := @lcV v I; rewrite withinET; move=> Bv [cptB clB].
move=> lcV reg cf cfp /= [u v] D; rewrite /= nbhsE; case=> O [oO Ofuv] /filterS.
apply; have [B] := @lcV v I; rewrite withinET; move=> Bv [cptB clB].
have [R Rv RO] : exists2 R, nbhs v R & (forall z, closure R z -> O (f u z)).
have [] := reg v ((f u)@^-1` O); first by apply: ctsfp; exact: open_nbhs_nbhs.
by move=> R nR cRO; exists R.
have [] := reg v ((f u)@^-1` O); first by apply: cfp; exact: open_nbhs_nbhs.
by move=> R ? ?; exists R.
exists (f @^-1` ([set g | g @` (B `&` closure R) `<=` O]), (B `&` closure R)).
split; [apply/ctsf/open_nbhs_nbhs; split | apply: filterI].
split; [apply/cf/open_nbhs_nbhs; split | apply: filterI] => //.
- apply: compact_open_open => //; apply: compact_closedI => //.
exact: closed_closure.
- by move=> ? [x [? + <-]]; apply: RO.
- done.
- by apply: filterS; [exact: subset_closure|].
by case=> a r /= [fBMO [Br] cmR]; apply: fBMO; exists r.

Lemma continuous_uncurry (f : U ~> V ~> W):
locally_compact [set: V] ->
hausdorff_space V ->
continuous f ->
locally_compact [set: V] -> hausdorff_space V -> continuous f ->
(forall u, continuous (f u)) ->
continuous ((uncurry : (U ~> V ~> W) -> ((U * V) ~> W)) f).
Expand All @@ -8150,9 +8141,7 @@ move=> v; have [B] := @lcV v I; rewrite withinET; move=> Bv [cptB clB].
by move=> z; apply: (@compact_regular V hsdf v B).

Lemma curry_continuous (f : U * V ~> W) :
continuous f ->
@regular U ->
Lemma curry_continuous (f : U * V ~> W) : continuous f -> @regular U ->
{for f, continuous ((curry : ((U * V) ~> W) -> (U ~> V ~> W)))}.
move=> ctsf regU; apply/compact_open_cvgP.
Expand All @@ -8165,12 +8154,10 @@ suff : \forall x' \near u & i \near nbhs f, K x' ->
(\bigcap_(i in [set` N]) i) (curry i x').
apply: filter_app; near=> a b => + Ka => /(_ Ka) => ?.
by exists (\bigcap_(i in [set` N]) i).
apply: filter_bigI_within=> R RN.
have /set_mem [[M cptM _]] := Asub _ RN.
apply: filter_bigI_within=> R RN; have /set_mem [[M cptM _]] := Asub _ RN.
have Rfu : R (curry f u) by exact: INf.
case/(_ _ Rfu) => O [fMO oO] MOR.
near=> p => /= Ki; apply: MOR => + [+ + <-] => _.
move=> v Mv; move: v Mv Ki; near: p.
case/(_ _ Rfu) => O [fMO oO] MOR; near=> p => /= Ki; apply: MOR => + [+ + <-].
move=> _ v Mv; move: v Mv Ki; near: p.
have umb : \forall y \near u, (forall b, M b -> nbhs (y, b) (f@^-1` O) ).
move/compact_near_coveringP/near_covering_withinP : (cptM); apply => v Mv.
have [[P Q] [Pu Qv] PQO] : nbhs (u,v) (f@^-1` O).
Expand All @@ -8181,26 +8168,23 @@ move/compact_near_coveringP/near_covering_withinP : (cptM); apply => v Mv.
have [P' P'u cPO] := regU u _ umb.
pose L := [set h | h @`((K `&` (closure P'))`*`M) `<=` O].
exists (setT, (P' `*` L)).
split => //; first exact: filterT.
exists (P', L) => //; split => //.
split => //; [exact: filterT|]; exists (P', L) => //; split => //.
apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split; first apply: compact_open_open => //.
apply: compact_setM => //; apply: compact_closedI => //; exact: closed_closure.
apply: compact_setM => //; apply: compact_closedI => //.
exact: closed_closure.
by move=> ? [[a b] [[Ka /cPO +] Mb <-]] => /(_ _ Mb)/nbhs_singleton.
case => b [a h] [? [Pa] +] Ma Ka; apply.
exists (a,b); split => //; split => //; apply/subset_closure => //.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma uncurry_continuous (f : U ~> V ~> W) :
locally_compact [set: V] ->
@regular V ->
@regular U ->
continuous f ->
(forall u, continuous (f u)) ->
locally_compact [set: V] -> @regular V -> @regular U ->
continuous f -> (forall u, continuous (f u)) ->
{for f, continuous ((uncurry : (U ~> V ~> W) -> (U * V ~> W)))}.
move=> lcV regV regU ctsf ctsfp; apply/compact_open_cvgP.
by apply: fmap_filter; exact:nbhs_filter.
move=> /= K O cptK oO fKO; near=> h => /= ? [+ + <-]; near: h.
move=> /= K O cptK oO fKO; near=> h => ? [+ + <-]; near: h.
move/compact_near_coveringP/near_covering_withinP : (cptK); apply.
case=> u v Kuv.
have : exists P Q, [/\ closed P, compact Q, nbhs u P, nbhs v Q & P `*` Q `<=` uncurry f @^-1` O].
Expand All @@ -8209,18 +8193,15 @@ have : exists P Q, [/\ closed P, compact Q, nbhs u P, nbhs v Q & P `*` Q `<=` un
by apply: fKO; exists (u,v).
case=> /= P' Q' [P'u Q'v] PQO.
have [B] := @lcV v I; rewrite withinET; move=> Bv [cptB clB].
have [P Pu cPP'] := regU u P' P'u.
have [Q Qv cQQ'] := regV v Q' Q'v.
have [P Pu cPP'] := regU u P' P'u; have [Q Qv cQQ'] := regV v Q' Q'v.
exists (closure P), (B `&` closure Q); split.
- exact: closed_closure.
- by apply: compact_closedI => //; exact: closed_closure.
- by apply: filterS; first exact: subset_closure.
- by apply: filterI=> //; apply: filterS; first exact: subset_closure.
- by case => a b [/cPP' ?] [_ /cQQ' ?]; exact: PQO.
case=> P [Q [clP cptQ Pu Qv PQfO]].
pose R := [set g : V ~> W | g @` Q `<=` O].
have oR : open R by exact: compact_open_open.
pose P' := f@^-1` R.
case=> P [Q [clP cptQ Pu Qv PQfO]]; pose R := [set g : V ~> W | g @` Q `<=` O].
(have oR : open R by exact: compact_open_open); pose P' := f@^-1` R.
pose L := [set h : U ~> V ~> W | h @` (fst @` K `&` P) `<=` R].
exists (((P`&` P') `*` Q), L).
split => /=.
Expand All @@ -8233,9 +8214,8 @@ exists (((P`&` P') `*` Q), L).
exact: cvg_fst.
move=> /= ? [a [Pa ?] <-] ? [b Qb <-].
by apply: (PQfO (a,b)); split => //; apply: nbhs_singleton.
case; case => a b h [/= [[Pa P'a] Bb Lh] Kab].
move/(_ (h a)): Lh ; rewrite /L/=/R/=.
apply; first by exists a => //; split => //; exists (a,b).
case; case => a b h [/= [[? ?] ? Lh] ?].
apply: (Lh (h a)); first by exists a => //; split => //; exists (a,b).
by exists b.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.
End currying.
End currying.

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