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halfway through proving admits
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zstone1 committed Jul 8, 2023
1 parent d46f67b commit 2612a38
Showing 1 changed file with 36 additions and 33 deletions.
69 changes: 36 additions & 33 deletions theories/lebesgue_integral.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5126,12 +5126,12 @@ Arguments sfinite_Fubini {d d' X Y R} m1 m2 f.
Section integral_bounded.

Lemma integral_le_bound d (R : realType) (T : measurableType d)
(mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (D : set T) (f : T -> \bar R)
(mD : measurable D) (M : \bar R) : mu.-integrable D f ->
(0 <= M)%E -> ({ae mu, forall x, D x -> `|f x| <= M})%E ->
(\int[mu]_(x in D) `|f x| <= M * mu D)%E.
(mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (D : set T) (f : T -> \bar R) (M : R) :
measurable D -> mu.-integrable D f ->
(0 <= M%:E)%E -> ({ae mu, forall x, D x -> `|f x| <= M%:E})%E ->
(\int[mu]_(x in D) `|f x| <= M%:E * mu D)%E.
move=> intf M0 dfx; rewrite -integral_cst => //.
move=> mD intf M0 dfx; rewrite -integral_cst => //.
apply: ae_ge0_le_integral => //.
by apply: measurableT_comp => //; case/integrableP:intf.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5164,8 +5164,13 @@ Context (rT : realType).
Let mu := [the measure _ _ of @lebesgue_measure rT].
Let R := [the measurableType _ of measurableTypeR rT].

Lemma continuous_compact_integrable (f : R -> R) (A : set R):
compact A -> {within A, continuous f} -> mu.-integrable A (EFin \o f).

Lemma lebesgue_differentiation_continuous (f : R -> rT^o) (A : set R) (x : R) :
open A -> {in A, continuous f} -> A x ->
open A -> {within A, continuous f} -> A x ->
(fun r => 1/(2*r) * \int[mu]_(z in `[x-r,x+r]) f z) @ 0^'+ --> (f x:R^o).
have ritv r : 0 < r -> mu (`[x-r,x+r]%classic) = (2*r)%:E.
Expand All @@ -5174,47 +5179,45 @@ have ritv r : 0 < r -> mu (`[x-r,x+r]%classic) = (2*r)%:E.
by rewrite opprB addrAC [_ - _]addrC addrA subrr add0r mulr2n mulrDl ?mul1r.
move=> oA ctsf Ax; apply: (@cvg_zero rT [pseudoMetricNormedZmodType R of rT^o]).
apply/cvgrPdist_le => eps epos; have := @nbhs_right_gt rT 0; apply: filter_app.
have /cvgrPdist_le/(_ eps epos)/at_right_in_segment := (ctsf _ (mem_set Ax)).
have ? : Filter (nbhs (0:R)^'+) by exact: at_right_proper_filter.
apply: filter_app; have : \forall r \near 0^'+, `[x-r, x+r] `<=` A.
Search "int" open.
case/(_ _ Ax): oA => _/posnumP[r] xrA; exists (r%:num/2) => //=.
move=> + /[swap] => _/posnumP[k] /=.
rewrite distrC subr0 set_itvcc /= => kr2 z /= xkz; apply: xrA => /=.

rewrite ltr_distlC.

near=> r => fL; rewrite addrfctE opprfctE => rp.
move: (ctsf); rewrite continuous_open_subspace // => /(_ _ (mem_set Ax)).
move/cvgrPdist_le/(_ eps epos)/at_right_in_segment; apply: filter_app.
apply: (filter_app _ _ (open_itvcc_subset oA Ax)).
near=> r => xrA; rewrite addrfctE opprfctE => feps rp.
have cptxr : compact `[x-r, x + r] by exact: segment_compact.
rewrite distrC subr0; have r20 : 0 <= 1/(2*r) by rewrite ?divr_ge0 // ?mulr_ge0.
have -> : f x = 1/(2*r) * \int[mu]_(z in `[x-r,x+r]) cst (f x) z.
rewrite /Rintegral /= integral_cst //= ritv //= [f x * _]mulrC mulrA.
by rewrite div1r mulVr ?mul1r ?unitfE ?mulf_neq0.
rewrite /= -mulrBr -fineB; first last.
apply: integral_fune_fin_num => //; admit.
apply: integral_fune_fin_num => //=. admit.
apply: integral_fune_fin_num => //; apply: continuous_compact_integrable =>//.
move=> ?; exact: cvg_cst.
apply: integral_fune_fin_num => //; apply: continuous_compact_integrable =>//.
exact: (continuous_subspaceW _ ctsf).
rewrite -integralB_EFin //; first last.
by apply: continuous_compact_integrable => // ?; exact: cvg_cst.
by apply: continuous_compact_integrable => //; exact: (continuous_subspaceW _ ctsf).
under [fun _ => adde _ _ ]eq_fun => ? do rewrite -EFinD.
rewrite normrM [ `|_/_| ]ger0_norm // -fine_abse; first last.
apply: le_trans.
apply: integral_fune_fin_num => //; apply: continuous_compact_integrable =>//.
move=> ?; apply: .
suff : (\int[mu]_(z in `[(x-r)%R,(x+r)%R]) `|(f z - f x)|%:E <= ((2 * r) * eps)%:E)%E.
move=> intfeps; apply: le_trans.
apply: ((ler_pmul r20 _ (le_refl _))); first exact: fine_ge0.
apply: fine_le; [admit| admit|].
apply: le_abse_integral => //.
apply: fine_le; last apply: le_abse_integral => //.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
rewrite div1r ler_pdivr_mull -[_ * _]/(fine (_%:E)); last exact: mulr_gt0.
apply: fine_le => //.
apply: le_trans.
apply: ((ler_pmul r20 _ (le_refl _))); first exact/fine_ge0/integral_ge0.
apply: fine_le; [admit| admit|].
apply: integral_le_bound.
apply:(@integral_le_bound _ _ _ _ _ (fun z => (f z - f x)%:E) (eps)).
- done.
- admit.
- by apply: ltW; move:(epos) => /=; rewrite -lte_fin; exact.
- by apply: aeW => ? ?; rewrite /= lee_fin distrC; exact: feps.
rewrite fineM => //; last admit.
rewrite ritv //= mulrC div1r -[eps * _ / _]mulrA divrr ?mulr1 //.
by rewrite unitfE // ?mulf_neq0.
- exact: ltW.
- by apply: aeW => ? ?; rewrite /= lee_fin distrC; apply: feps.
by rewrite ritv //= -EFinM lee_fin mulrC.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Expand Down

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