Imagine that you are looking for boots and shirt on, but you don't have time to auctions and have limited budget so you want to choose the cheapest items from buy it now auctions. Your task is to write a class that finds best deal in collection of auctions for you, by best deal we understand:
- the cheapest combination of requested goods types
- combination must fit in the budget
- combination must be complete (contain all requested good types)
Having those requirements in mind, please take a look at pl.allegro.devfest.BestDealAdvisor class, where you should put your code. We also prepared bunch of tests to make your life easier, they are located in pl.allegro.devfest.BestDealAdvisorSpec.
- code passes all unit tests
- make your code base as small as possible
- make your code sexy - so it will make Ruby coders jealous
- make your code efficient
- if there are multiple high-quality applications, first one wins (sorted by time of last commit)
- Java (1.8 by default)
- Groovy
- any library you need
- fork this repository
- code!
- when you are ready, come to our booth @ DevFest and apply
- competition ends at 16:00