This is the repository for the application Send a Poem, an application for publish poems and follow others poets, to see our their poems and send to friends on Whatsapp or Email.
To clone this repository, execute the follow command on terminal:
git clone
After clone, go to sendapoem directory:
cd sendapoem
After run the APi server, create the database sendapoem on your MySQL database. To create the database, execute the query in sendapoem.sql file.
Do you can use the Workbench for see the MySQL with a GUI.
Change the credentials in the file to your MySQL database credentials.
Before run the API, install the dependencies for this Python project with the commands bellow.
pip install virtualenv
mkdir ~/venv
virtualenv ~/venv/sendapoem
source ~/venv/sendapoem/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
After this, you can server the API and access the urls. Execute:
And the server is started
# * Serving Flask app "src.server" (lazy loading)
# * Environment: production
# WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
# Use a production WSGI server instead.
# * Debug mode: on
# * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
# * Restarting with stat
# * Debugger is active!
# * Debugger PIN: 181-032-871
The endpoints for access the API are at the requests.json file. You can import this file with Postman or Insomnia.