Plugin allows you to AJAXify your bootstrap forms and allow asynchronous submit. Errors are displayed under each form input element.
- jQuery 1.11 or greater
- Bootstrap 3
- Minimal configuration for standard forms
- Input validation performed (optionally) on server side, thus following same rules
- Allow for server to control action after successful submit (close dialog, reset form, or just password fields)
Include main library ariaform.bootstrap.js
Then initialize the plugin on each form element as desired:
options are not required by default
To display error messages plugin requires standard bootstrap form markup where each input is surrounded with div.form-group and includes .help-block where error message is displayed.
- reset: true / false - whether to reset form after successful submit (default: false)
- blocking: true / false - If set to true, all submit buttons becomes disabled if there is one or more invalid input elements (default: false)
- submitTrigger: 'manual' / 'change' - If set to 'change' form will submit each time one of the fields change. Manual will only submit via submit event (ie. Submit button) (default: false)
- checkOn: 'blur' / 'change' - When to send input value to server. Notice: when using change consider using check-timeout class to delay to response not to send data on every keystroke (default: blur)
- loader: html - HTML markup of loader to display when processing submit (default: none)
- handlers Object - Handlers to provide styling effects and action for the form element possible values:
- fieldMessage - used to display valid/invalid message around inputs
- submitStart - called on start of a submit (to display loader, disable buttons etc.)
- submitResult - called after EACH submit (hide loader, enable buttons)
- submitSuccess - called after successful submit (clear invalid/valid messages from elements)
- actionClose - closes Bootstrap modal window, invoked based on server response
- NAMEAction - NAME can be substituted with any word to create custom handlers for server action response
Plugin expects certain format in server responses when submitting, checking fields:
- result string
- Every response must include result property which is either 'success' or 'error'
- message string
- Submit responses may include message property which will be displayed in alert box on bottom left
- errors array
- array of objects - errors for each fields in a form {id: "id of a input", message: "message to display", type: "valid / invalid"}
- actions array
- Custom actions to be perfomed based on server response. Expected in form of actionname (without Action keyword) => data (can be string, array or object)
Errors on submit
"result": "error",
"message": "Some fields returned with error"
"errors": [
{"id": "textInput1", "message": "This field does not have correct format", "type": "invalid"},
{"id": "checkbox1", "message": "Must be checked", "type": "invalid"}
Custom actions on success
"result": "success",
"message": "Form has been saved"
"actions": {
"close": "" //closes modal
"popup": {"id": "popupId", "color": "bg-red"} //calls custom popupAction handler with provided data