The instrumentation library offers six modules responsible for:
- BranchCoverage Instrumentation
- BranchCoverage Evaluation
- BranchDistance Instrumentation
- BasicBlockCoverage Instrumentation
- BasicBlockCoverage Evaluation
- BasicBlockBranchDistance Instrumentation
- MethodCoverage Instrumentation
Note that you can supply to each instrumentation module the optional flag --only-aut
to only instrument the classes
belonging to the application package.
Generate the branchCoverage.jar using the supplied gradle task customFatJar
of the branchCoverage module.
The JAR file can be found within the build/libs/
folder of the respective module.
To invoke the instrumentation run the following command:
java -jar branchCoverage.jar <path-to-apk>
This will produce an APK where the original APK resided with the name -instrumented.apk. In addition, a file called branches.txt will be generated in the current working directory. It contains the instrumented branches, which is relevant for the evaluation of the branch coverage.
Generate the branchDistance.jar using the supplied gradle task customFatJar
of the branchDistance module.
The JAR file can be found within the build/libs/
folder of the respective module.
To invoke the instrumentation run the following command:
java -jar branchDistance.jar <path-to-apk>
This will produce an APK where the original APK resided with the name -instrumented.apk.
In addition, a file called branches.txt will be generated in the current working directory. It contains the instrumented
branches, which is relevant for the evaluation of the branch coverage. Another file called instrumentation-points.txt
contains not only the instrumented branches but also the instrumented if and switch instructions that are relevant for
the branch distance computation.
The JAR file can be found within the build/libs/
folder of the respective module.
Generate the basicBlockBranchDistance.jar using the supplied gradle task customFatJar
of the basicBlockBranchDistance module.
The JAR file can be found within the build/libs/
folder of the respective module.
To invoke the instrumentation run the following command:
java -jar basicBlockBranchDistance.jar <path-to-apk>
This will produce an APK where the original APK resided with the name -instrumented.apk.
In addition, a file called blocks.txt will be generated in the current working directory. It contains the instrumented
basic blocks, which is relevant for the evaluation of the basic block coverage. Another file called instrumentation-points.txt
contains not only the instrumented branches but also the instrumented if and switch instructions that are relevant for
the branch distance computation. Also the branches.txt is generated that lists the instrumented branches.
The JAR file can be found within the build/libs/
folder of the respective module.
Generate the basicBlockCoverage.jar using the supplied gradle task customFatJar
of the basicBlockCoverage module.
To invoke the instrumentation run the following command:
java -jar basicBlockCoverage.jar <path-to-apk>
This will produce an APK where the original APK resided with the name -instrumented.apk. In addition, a file called blocks.txt will be generated in the current working directory. It contains a list of all basic blocks. For each basic block its class, method, block id (which is only unique within the same method), the number of instructions it contains and whether the block is the target of an if/else branch is recorded. This information can be used to calculate basic block (actually line) and branch coverage.
Generate the methodCoverage.jar using the supplied gradle task customFatJar
of the methodCoverage module.
To invoke the instrumentation run the following command:
java -jar methodCoverage.jar <path-to-apk>
This will produce an APK where the original APK resided with the name -instrumented.apk. In addition, a file called methods.txt will be generated in the current working directory. It contains the number of methods per class, which is relevant for the evaluation of the method coverage.
Once you have instrumented the APK, sign it using apksigner
(comes with the Android-SDK).
Then follow the instructions below:
adb install -g <apk>
This installs the APK on the emulator and grants read/write access on the external storage among other things.
Now, it is time to explore the application. Whenever a new branch is visited, a trace is collected by the incorporated
class. After 5000 traces, those are written to a file traces.txt on the external storage of the emulator.
In order to pull all traces, invoke the following commands:
adb root
(only works on rooted devices!)
adb shell am broadcast -a STORE_TRACES -n <package-name>/de.uni_passau.fim.auermich.tracer.Tracer
adb pull storage/emulated/0/traces.txt
adb pull storage/emulated/0/info.txt
(may require an additional slash on Linux, i.e. /storage)
The broadcast ensures that all collected traces are written to the traces.txt file. You have to specify at the
placeholder the package name of the application. You can find this information within the AndroidManifest.xml
(first line) or run the command: aapt dump badging <path-to-apk> | grep package:\ name
The second pull command retrieves a file called info.txt, which solely contains the number of collected traces.
This file is present once writing the traces to the file is completed.
This instrumentation library is internally used by the Android Test Generator called
MATE to report coverage. You simply copy the instrumented APK into the
respective apps folder belonging to your local MATE-Commander
installation. In addition, you copy the additional artifacts produced by the instrumentation, e.g. the branches.txt
into the respective apps/ folder. Note that MATE requires
you to name your APKs according to the app's package name, i.e., <package-name>.apk
Generate the branchCoverageEvaluation.jar using the supplied gradle task customFatJar
of the branchCoverageEvaluation module.
The JAR file can be found within the build/libs/
folder of the respective module.
To invoke the evaluation run the following command:
java -jar branchCoverageEvaluation.jar <path-to-branches.txt> <path-to-traces.txt>
Have a look at the supplied BranchCoverageEvaluationTest.
Generate the basicBlockCoverageEvaluation.jar using the supplied gradle task customFatJar
of the basicBlockCoverageEvaluation module.
The JAR file can be found within the build/libs/
folder of the respective module.
To invoke the evaluation run the following command:
java -jar basicBlockCoverageEvaluation.jar <path-to-blocks.txt> <path-to-traces.txt>
Have a look at the supplied BasicBlockCoverageEvaluationTest.