Library for reading CEDICT Chinese to English dictionary.
Install the NuGet package into your application.
Install-Package Cedict
dotnet add package Cedict
let entries = Dict.fromFile "/path/to/cedict_ts.u8"
let options = {
Targets = [Simplified]
Match = Match.Full
Limit = 1
} options "中国" entries
// Traditional = "中國"
// Simplified = "中国"
// Pinyin = "Zhong1 guo2"
// English = [|"China"|]
let options = {
Targets = [Traditional; Simplified]
Match = Match.Partial
Limit = 5
} options "好" entries
// Traditional = "一把好手"
// Simplified = "一把好手"
// Pinyin = "yi1 ba3 hao3 shou3"
// English = [|"expert"; "dab hand"|]
// Traditional = "上好"
// Simplified = "上好"
// Pinyin = "shang4 hao3"
// English = [|"first-rate"; "top-notch"|]
// ...
let options = {
Targets = [English]
Match = Match.Partial
Limit = 5
} options "China" entries
// Traditional = "3C"
// Simplified = "3C"
// Pinyin = "san1 C"
// English = [|"abbr. for computers, communications, and consumer electronics"; "China Compulsory Certificate (CCC)"|]
// Traditional = "䴉嘴鷸"
// Simplified = "鹮嘴鹬"
// Pinyin = "huan2 zui3 yu4"
// English = [|"(bird species of China) ibisbill (Ibidorhyncha struthersii)"|];}
// ...