Graph (datastructure) library in PHP
Contains generic datastructures as well as implementations of a few common algorithms
This is my solution to the MMI practice of summer 2015
MMI - Mathematische Methoden der Informatik is a lecture held as part of the Information Systems Engineering Master at FH Aachen by Prof. Georg Hoever
For more information see:
- DFS / Tiefensuche
- BFS / Breitensuche
- Union-Find
- Prim
- Kruskal
- Traveling Salesman & Hamilton Graphs
- Nearest-Neighbor
- DoubleTree / Doppelter Baum
- Kürzeste Wege
- Dijkstra
- Moore-Bellman-Ford
- Maximum Flow / Maximaler Fluss
- Ford-Fulkerson
- Edmond-Karps
- Cost-minimal Flow / Kostenminimaler Fluss
- Cycle-Cancelling
- Successive-shortest-path
- Matchings
- Graph1.txt
- Adjacency Matrix
- Line 1: Nodecount, following lines: Adjacency matrix
- Graph2.txt (small), Graph3.txt (huge, 4 connectivity components), Graph4.txt (huge, 4 connectivity components)
- Edgelist
- Line 1: Nodecount, following lines: Edges (i->j) with Numbering scheme: 0..Nodecount-1
- G_1_2.txt, G_1_20.txt, G_1_200.txt, G_10_20.txt, G_10_200.txt, G_100_200.txt
- Weighted Graphs as Edgelist
- G_x_y, where x is number of nodes in multiples of 1,000 and y is the number of edges in multiples of 1,000
- Line 1: Nodecount, following lines: Edges (i->j) and weight with Numbering scheme 0..Nodecount-1
- K_10.txt (38.41), K_10e.txt (27.26), K_12.txt (45.19), K_12e.txt (36.13), K_15.txt, K_15e.txt, K_20.txt, K_30.txt, K_50.txt, K_70.txt, K_100.txt
- Complete weighted Graphs as Edgelist
- K_z, where z is the nodecount, in K_ze the 3rd column is the distance from points in the plane
- Line 1: Nodecount, following lines: Edges (i->j) and weight with Numbering scheme 0..Nodecount-1
- Numbers in brackets are the optimal round trips
- Wege1.txt, Wege2.txt, Wege3.txt
- same format as K_z
- Shortest directed paths:
- Wege1, 2->0: 6
- Wege2, 2->0: 2
- Wege3, 2->0: NEGATIVE CYCLE!
- G_1_2, 0->1: 5.54417 (directed) vs. 2.36796 (undirected)
- Fluss.txt
- Edgelist with capacities
- Line 1: Nodecount, following lines: Edges (i->j) and capacity with Numbering scheme 0..Nodecount-1
- Maximum Flows:
- Fluss, 0->7: 4
- G_1_2, use 3rd column as capacity, 0->7: 0.735802
- Kostenminimal1.txt (3), Kostenminimal2.txt (no b-Flow possible), Kostenminimal3.txt (no b-Flow possible), Kostenminimal4.txt (1537), Kostenminimal5.txt (0)
- Balances and Edgelist with cost and flow
- Line 1: Nodecount n, following n lines: balances, following lines: Edges (i->j) and capacity and flow with Numbering scheme 0..Nodecount-1
- Numbers in brackets are the costs of the cost minimal flow
- Matching_100_100.txt, Matching2_100_100.txt
- Line 1: Nodecount, Line 2: Number of nodes in the first matching group (0..Matchcount-1), following lines: Egdes (i->j) with Numbering scheme 0..Nodecount-1
- Matching has 100 matching-edges, Matching 2 has onlz 99 matching-edges