Repository created for testing the bpg image format. For a better explanation on the libs used, check the their pages.
bpgs are generated with the default configuration Sizes of gifs can be reduced with optimizations, I tried to keep the gif with the quality similar to the video -- this file
index.html -- HTML file with bpg, video and gifs embedded
assets -- Folder with all the assets
Folder "frames" only used to generate bpg files
- Extracted the frames as .png from videos with ffmpeg, using the following command:
$ ffmpeg -i assets/videos/[name-of-video].mp4 assets/frames/[name-of-video]/frame-%05d.png
- Created the .gif version with (got the script here, I removed the scale and updated the FPS for comparison purpose)
$ ./ assets/videos/[name-of-video].mp4 assets/gifs/[name-of-video].gif
- Created the .bpg version of the videos with bpgenc, using the following command (This took sometime to complete):
bpgenc -a assets/frames/[name-of-video]/frame-%05d.png -fps 30 -loop 0 -o assets/bpg/[name-of-video].bpg
Also created the .bpg from the .jpeg:
bpgenc assets/img/photo.jpg -o assets/bpg/[name-of-video].bpg
index.html contains example of two animated bpg and one static bpg, with the size of each file.
Used the bpgdec8a.js: bpg decoder with support for animation