Python control over Manson SSP-9081 Power Source
pip install .
import ssp_9081
from ssp_9081.interfaces import SSP_9081_Serial
from ssp_9081 import SSP_9081
com = SSP_9081_Serial('COM3')
power = SSP_9081(com)
power.setU(12.) # set voltage 12V
power.setOut(True) # turn it on
ssp9081 --help
usage: ssp9081 [-h] [-p PORT] [-u SETU] [-i SETI] [-on] [-off] [--waitU WAITU]
[--setWaveForm SETWAVEFORM]
[--startWaveForm] [--stopWaveForm] [--getU] [--getI] [--getOut]
Script to control SSP_9081 via serial(USB) interfacessp9081 --off -u=12 --on:
will turnoff the output, set 12V and turn the power on
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT Serial port name, default is taken from ENV_VAR
-u SETU, --setU SETU Set Voltage (float value)
-i SETI, --setI SETI Set Current (float value)
-on, --on set to turn on the power, last action to execute
-off, --off set to turn off the power, first action to execute if
--waitU WAITU wait for the setU action to be applied with timeout,
--waitU=0 to wait without timeout
waveform csv file: (step,voltage,time)
Set the waveform cycle number amount of times given
waveform will perform cycleNum: 0 -> unlimited times
--startWaveForm start waveform
--stopWaveForm stop waveform
--getU print Voltage
--getI print Current
--getOut print if the power is on or off
--hwversion print version returned by SSP_9081
>> ssp9081 --setU=12 --on
setU(12.0V): True
setOn: True
>> ssp9081 --off --setU=6.5 --setI=2 --on
setOff: True
setI(2.0A): True
setU(6.5V): True
setOn: True
>> ssp9081 --getU
getU: 6.51
>> ssp9081 --getI
getI: 1.456
>> ssp9081 --hwversion
Version: Rev1.2
>> ssp9081 --setWaveForm test.csv
setWaveForm: [(True, None), (True, None), (False, None), (True, None), (True, None), (True, None), (True, None)]
>> ssp9081 --startWaveForm
setOn: True #if power was off
setWaveFormOn: (True, None)
step(1-10), voltage(0.0 - 36.40V), time(0s - 1200s)
Command: ssp9081 --setWaveForm example.csv --setWaveFormCycleNumber 1 --startWaveForm
will trigger this profile in SSP9081
- Step 1: set 14V immidiately
- Step 2: set 3.8V immidiately
- Step 3: set 4V during 5 sec
- Step 4: set 12V during 10 sec
- Step 5: pause 12V for 10 sec
- Step 6: set 14V during 20 sec (falling to Step1)
- Switch off power (if
--setWaveFormCycleNumber 1
is specified, otherwise continue to Step2)