V2.7.3: solves issues in KNetCLI and KNetPS, enhances Docker image
released this
24 Jun 01:28
114 commits
to master
since this release
This version is published in advance, before #427 will be closed, to make public available latest updates coming from JNet 2.5.4
Changes from JNet needed changes on KNet Connect SDK, however it is not tested waiting for #427: do not use this KNet Connect SDK version
This release mainly changes:
- KNet:
- updates to JNet 2.5.4
- Solves some issues with command-line
- KNet.Serialization.Avro: no major changes
- KNet.Serialization.Json: no major changes
- KNet.Serialization.MessagePack: no major changes
- KNet.Serialization.Protobuf: no major changes
- KNetCLI: Fix issue of some unrecognized commands
- KNetConnect: no major changes
- KNet Templates: no major changes
- KNet for PowerShell (aka KNetPS): Fix issue of some unrecognized commands
- Docker image:
- Removed KNetConnect image, moved in KNet image
- KNet image manages both client and server:
- can work as CLI
- can run ZooKeeper
- can run Apache Kafka broker
- can run Apache Kafka in KRaft mode
- can run KNet and Apache Connect instances
- Documentation: updates docker information
References and Release Notes
Official Container images
knetconnect image collapsed to knet
Official NuGet packages (*)
- MASES.KNet.Serialization.Avro
- MASES.KNet.Serialization.Json
- MASES.KNet.Serialization.MessagePack
- MASES.KNet.Serialization.Protobuf
- MASES.KNet.Templates
- MASES.KNetConnect
(*) packages are also available on GitHub packages.
Official PowerShell packages
What's Changed
- Bump Google.Protobuf from 3.26.1 to 3.27.0 in /src/net by @dependabot in #474
- Aligned jvm folder schema and reviewed workflows by @masesdevelopers in #476
- Changes by GitHub action by @github-actions in #477
- Changes by GitHub action by @github-actions in #484
- Fix issue with unrecognized commands by @masesdevelopers in #483
- Added tests at the end of build process, updated containers and command line program by @masesdevelopers in #481
- Update test execution by @masesdevelopers in #485
- #480 (comment): test throws exception and workflow continues by @masesdevelopers in #488
- Update to JNet 2.5.2 by @masesdevelopers in #492
- Changes by GitHub action by @github-actions in #493
- Update Launch method to convert input strings by @masesdevelopers in #497
- Update to JNet 2.5.3 by @masesdevelopers in #500
- #482 (comment): code reverted by @masesdevelopers in #501
- Changes by GitHub action by @github-actions in #502
- Centralized KNet client-server-connect in a unique container by @masesdevelopers in #496
- Update version to 2.7.3 by @masesdevelopers in #494
- Changes by GitHub action by @github-actions in #503
- Added KRaft mode in container by @masesdevelopers in #504
- Changes by GitHub action by @github-actions in #505
Full Changelog: V2.7.2.0...V2.7.3.0