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npm i @masaischool/lotus
import { LotusTheme, ChakraProvider } from "@masaischool/lotus";
<ChakraProvider theme={LotusTheme}> <App /> </ChakraProvider>
<Button variant="primary" size="sm"> Hello </Button>
Step 1: Import default LotusTheme from lotus library, LotusTheme already has some default customized styling done using extendTheme component provided by Chakra UI. For reference:
import { LotusTheme } from "@masaischool/lotus";
Step 2: Make styles object which you want to override by following syntax provided by Chakra UI, for example we want to override "styles" object of the theme, we need to create our styles object like this.
Note: Below syntax is defined in chakra documentation for all objects like styles, layerStyles,textStyles,components etc. (Reference Link:
const styles = { global: { body: { m: "0px", }, h1: { fontWeight: "800!important", fontSize: "48px!important", lineHeight: "62px!important", bgColor: "red", }, h2: { fontWeight: "700!important", fontSize: "34px!important", lineHeight: "40px!important", }, h3: { fontWeight: "700!important", fontSize: "24px!important", lineHeight: "32px!important", }, h4: { fontWeight: "700!important", fontSize: "20px!important", lineHeight: "28px!important", }, h5: { fontWeight: "700!important", fontSize: "18px!important", lineHeight: "24px!important", }, h6: { fontWeight: "700!important", fontSize: "16px!important", lineHeight: "20px!important", }, }, };
const customTheme = extendTheme({ ...LotusTheme, styles });
<ChakraProvider theme={customTheme}> <App /> </ChakraProvider>