Record radiko programs, and publish your private podcast.
$ radikocast help
Usage: radikocast [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
Available commands are:
publish Publish podcast
rec Record a radiko program
rss Generate podcast RSS
rec_schedule Rec a program by schedule expression.
Record a radiko program.
$ radikocast rec -h
Usage: radikocast rec [options]
Record a radiko program.
-id=name Station id
-start,s=201610101000 Start time
-area,a=name Area id
-bucket=bucketname S3 bucket name
Record a radiko program by schedule expression.
$ radikocast rec_schedule -h
Usage: radikocast rec_schedule [options]
Record a radiko program.
-id=name Station id
-day=wednesday everyday or weekday, sunday, monday, ..., saturday
-area,a=name Area id
-bucket=bucketname S3 bucket name
Generate podcast RSS file.
$ radikocast rss -h
Usage: radikocast rss [options]
Generate podcast RSS
-title title
-host host
-image image
-bucket bucket
-feed feed
Download binary from release page and place it in $PATH directory.
- ffmpeg