- 🇩🇪 I'm a rendering engineer, artist and mathematician from Germany
- 🔭I create shader modifications for video games, on the ReShade platform
- 💬I don't have LinkedIn because people there seem to be insane. You can reach me via email.
- 🌱I'm learning frontend development with C# at the moment
- ⚡Fun facts: I am both-handed | I collect minerals all over the world | I managed to dodge COVID for 4 years
On the Internet I’m better known by the name “Marty McFly” or nowadays just “Marty”, developing graphics modifications for various video games, most notably in recent time the ReShade Ray Traced Global Illumination Shader (“RTGI”). My work contributed to a countless amount of other mods, has been featured by lots of gaming magazines all over the world and can even be found in the NVIDIA Driver.
iMMERSE: MXAO, the most advanced SSAO shader on the internet (I can prove it!)
iMMERSE: Launchpad dense realtime optical flow way above its weight class
iMMERSE Pro: RTGI Ray Traced Global Illumination Shader, adopted by NVIDIA
iMMERSE Pro: ReGrade Industry Color Grading formulas for ReShade
iMMERSE Ultimate: ReLight Fully Path-Traced light studio for ReShade
Unified VNDF Sampler for smith-ggx surfaces GGX VNDF Sampler that combines the advantages of Dupuy2023 and Tokuyoshi & Eto 2024
Iterative Algorithms for the H-Index/H-Curve: “Towards Optimal Locality in Mesh-Indexings” (1997), Niedermeier et. al, forward and inverse algorithm
- Software: Visual Studio, NVIDIA Nsight, Git, DVC, Unity, Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, InDesign, MS Office
- Programming Languages: C/C#/C++, HLSL, GLSL, Assembly, Python, Delphi, Flutter, Mathematica, MATLAB