Simple integration for slack and django to track daily progress and sync with the team.
Add "dailytracker" to your INSTALLED_APPS
Include the dailytrackers URLconf in your project like this:
url(r'^dailytracker/', include('polls.urls')),
Run python migrate to create the polls models.
Create an incoming webhook for your slackteam and name the bot whatever you want, create a team in the admin panel and put the url from the webhook into webhook_url on your team.
Create a slack command (I use /dailyupdate) and point it to or whatever you chose as the url.
Create cronjobs with the commands python request_daily_update, python daily_update_dunning, and python daily_update_summary.
Let your team simply write /dailyupdate Finished the login flow on the iOS application - and the bot will update everyone through daily_update_summary.