Simple macro which allows for easy creation of type class instances based on existing instances.
This is inspired by newtype ... deriving ... syntax from haskell.
trait IsCat[T] {
def meow(cat:T):String
def mate(cat1:T, cat2:T):T
class Cat(val name:String) {
//this imitates the newtype
case class CatInABox(cat:Cat) {
implicit val catIsCat = new IsCat[Cat] {
def meow(cat:Cat) = "meow"
def mate(cat1:Cat, cat2:Cat) = new Cat(s"${} junior")
//here we create a derived instance based on existing instance
implicit val catInABoxIsCat = deriving[CatInABox, IsCat].equiv(, CatInABox)
val cat = CatInABox(new Cat("cat"))