make table headers sticky, example for React CRM
- (almost)no css to add
- no dependency
- does not add any other element to the markup
- ~ 100 loc
bower install lr-sticky-header
npm install lr-sticky-header
var tableElement = document.getElementById('table');
var stickyTable = lrStickyHeader(tableElement);
You'll need your table element and its children to have the property box-sizing
set to border-box
(it is the default of many css framework such bootstrap
when the header is sticked the class name lr-sticky-header
is added to the thead element if you want to add some more style
- setWidth() : if you want to call manually the resize of the column (within a resize event handler for example)
- clean() ~: to detach the scroll event handler from the window
example of a directive with smart-table
angular.directive('stStickyHeader', ['$window', function ($window) {
return {
require: '^?stTable',
link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
var stickyHeader = lrStickyHeader(element[0]);
scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
scope.$watch(function () {
return ctrl.tableState();
}, function () {
$window.scrollTo(0, lrStickyHeader.treshold);
}, true)