The security plugin makes it possible to restrict access to certain pages. Based on a role model.
- Put the security.php file in your site/plugins folder.
- Put the login_from.php file in your site/snippets folder.
- Put the folder profiles in site
- Check that .htaccess is working correctly in the profiles folder
Define the session time for logins by using
c::set('kirbysec.timeout', 30 * 60);
in site/config/config.php.
Change your default template to handle access rights. For example like this:
<?php snippet('header') ?>
<?php snippet('menu') ?>
<?php snippet('submenu') ?>
$auth = Secure::check_access($page);
} else if ($auth == KIRBYSEC_ACCESS_DENIED) {
<h1>Zugriff verweigert</h1>
} else if ($auth == KIRBYSEC_ACCESS_GRANTED) {
<section class="content">
<h1><?php echo html($page->title()) ?></h1>
<?php echo kirbytext($page->text()) ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php snippet('footer') ?>
- Create a user by adding a file (what else would you expect in kirby?) in the directory site/profiles
- Name the file by the username plus ".txt" (e.g. martin.txt)
- Add the following content to the file
Name: Martin Hoffmann
Rolenames: Project Manager
Password: 827ccb0eea8a706c4c34a16891f84e7b
- The new user can login with the username "martin" and the password "12345".
Add the RequiredRoles attribute to each page, which should have restricted access rights. The value of this attribute can be any string. Access restrictions are inherited by child pages, so you need to only set them once per tree. A user needs to satisfy at least one role per page to get access.
- content/02-projects/projects.txt
Title: Projects
Text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ...
RequiredRoles:Project Manager
- content/02-projects/03-project-c/project.txt
Title: Project C
Text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ...
RequiredRoles: Super Project Admin, Project Manager C
- Users with the role "Project Manager" can see the projects page and all projects except project C.
- Users with the roles "Super Project Admin" AND "Project Manager" or users with roles "Project Manager C" AND "Project Manager" can see project C.
You can check if the current user has the required role by using this function. If $roles
the $roles of this $page are used.
Security::check_access($page, $roles = NULL);
Create a logout link by calling Security::logout_link($text = 'Logout')
Logout programmatically by calling Security::logout()
Get the current user object by calling Security::current_user()
By calling Security::required_roles($page)
Martin Hoffmann