A small but CouchDB-compatible database implementation in Python. It provides its own implementation of the replication protocol.
Different backends are supported:
- in-memory
- SQLite
- HTTP (proxy to a CouchDB instance)
This project also contains an implementation of the CouchDB HTTP API in the chairdb.server
For more information, please read the blog post introducing this project.
import anyio # chairdb.server doesn't support trio (yet?)
from chairdb import InMemoryDatabase, HTTPDatabase, replicate
async def main():
target = InMemoryDatabase(id='test')
async with HTTPDatabase('http://localhost:5984/test') as source:
await replicate(source, target)
async for change in target.changes():
if __name__ == '__main__':
- blog: the source files for the blog post on ChairDB
- chairdb: the main package
- chairdb.db: database interface implementations
- chairdb.db.datatypes: error types and definition of
- chairdb.db.memory: the location of the InMemoryDatabase class
- chairdb.db.multipart: a mixed/multipart implementation used by chairdb.db.remote
- chairdb.db.remote: wraps the CouchDB HTTP API in an API similar to that exposed by .memory and .sql
- chairdb.db.revtree: the location of the RevisionTree class
- chairdb.db.shared: functions shared between database implementations
- chairdb.db.sql: an (aio)sqlite implementation of the same API as defined in .memory
- chairdb.db.datatypes: error types and definition of
- chairdb.server: an ASGI application that imitates a CouchDB installation using in-memory databases
- chairdb.db: build_db_app() allows you to wrap any database in an ASGI app. So not just in-memory databases!
- chairdb.replicate: the replicator implementation
- chairdb.utils: miscellaneous helpers
- chairdb.db: database interface implementations
- tests: contains the test suite
- LICENSE: Apache 2.0
- requirements.txt: install using
pip -r requirements.txt
- serve.sh: starts Uvicorn with the ASGI app defined in chairdb.server. Auto-reloads when changes are made.
- test.sh: run the test suites. Requires you to have a CouchDB instance running with two databases: activiteitenweger and brassbandwirdum. So rename some of your own to be called that, or search for those terms in the source so you can replace them.