Welcome to my Data Analysis repository, where I work to improve my SQL, Python, Pandas, and dashboard skills! 😊
- Syntax Variables and Numbers
- Functions and Getting Help
- Booleand and Conditionals
- Lists
- Loops and List Comprehensions
- Strings and Dictionaries
- Working with External Libraries
- Creating, Reading and Writing
- Indexing, Selecting & Assigning
- Summary Functions and Maps
- Grouping and Sorting
- Data Types and Missing Values
- Renaming and Combining
- I'm currently doing the Tableau A-Z: Hands-On Tableau Training for Data Science course, and will soon upload tableau content to this repository.
My hackerrank account: Marta Ribeiro -> I do a bunch of SQL exercises here
- My hackerrank account: Marta Ribeiro -> I do a bunch of Python exercises here