Django Vue Integration
Steps to get the project running a) create venv for python 3.7+ b) pip install -r requirements.txt d) edit the file for database connection as per your user 'default':{ 'ENGINE':'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'NAME' : '<your_database_name>', 'USER': <your_own_user>, 'PASSWORD':<your_user's_password>, 'HOST':'localhost' } c) python runserver, will give you migrate warning d) python migrate
To upload data to database the scripts folder file,
a) place the csv files in ~/scripts/test_data folder b) In terminal use the command python runscript load c) It will ask the input to select the data table as
Select Data Table to load data:
0) CustomerCompanies, 1) Customers, 2) Orders, 3) OrderItems, 4) Deliveries
d) Then it will ask for file name, enter file name with extension i.e csv
Enter file name in test_data folder:
File Name: customer_companies.csv
e) If file is uploaded code will exit or any exception will be printed.
To see results , if runserver is working, open the html file frontend/index.html, paginated results of 5 with search available