This plugin for Zsh adds real-time type-ahead autocompletion to your command line, similar to what you find desktop apps. While you type on the command line, available completions are listed automatically; no need to press any keyboard shortcuts. Press Tab to insert the top completion or ↓ to select a different one.
Additional features:
- Out-of-the-box configuration of Zsh's completion system
- Multi-line history search
- Completion of recent directories
- Useful keyboard shortcuts
- Easy to configure
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- Tested to work with Zsh 5.8 and newer.
- Should theoretically work with Zsh 5.4, but I'm unable to test that.
Note: In this manual,
represents the command line prompt. If you see it in front of a command, it means you should run it on the command line, not put it in a script.
First, install Autocomplete itself. Here are some way to do so:
- To use only releases (instead of the
branch), installzsh-autocomplete
with a package manager. As of this writing, this package is available through Homebrew, Nix,pacman
, Plumage, and (asapp-shells/zsh-autocomplete
) Portage. - To always use the latest commit on the
branch, do one of the following:- Use
to installzsh-autocomplete-git
. - Use a Zsh plugin manager to install
. (If you don't have a plugin manager yet, I recommend using Znap.) - Clone the repo directly:
% git clone --depth 1 --
- Use
After installing, make the following modifications to your shell config:
- In your
file:- Remove any calls to
. - Add near the top, before any calls to
:source /path/to/zsh-autocomplete/zsh-autocomplete.plugin.zsh
- Remove any calls to
- When using Ubuntu, add to your
- When using Nix, add to your
file:programs.zsh.enableCompletion = false;
Finally, restart your shell. Here's two ways to do so:
- Open a new tab or window in your terminal.
- Replace the current shell with a new one:
% exec zsh
If you installed manually, run:
% git -C ~autocomplete pull
Otherwise, simply use your package manager or plugin manager's update mechanisms.
- Revert the actions you took to install.
- Restart your shell.
main |
emacs |
vicmd |
On the command line | In the menus |
Enter Return |
Exit menu text search or exit menu | |||
Tab | Insert first listed menu item | Exit menu text search or exit menu | ||
ShiftTab | Insert substring occurring in all listed completions | Exit menu text search or exit menu | ||
↓ | CtrlN | J | Cursor down or enter completion menu | Change selection |
↑ | CtrlP | K | Cursor up or enter history menu | Change selection |
Alt↓ | AltN | CtrlN | Enter completion menu | Next section |
Alt↑ | AltP | CtrlP | Enter history menu | Previous section |
PgDn | Page down | |||
PgUp | Page up | |||
CtrlX / | Toggle recent path search | |||
CtrlR | / | Toggle history search | Start menu text search or go to previous match | |
CtrlS | ? | Start menu text search | Start menu text search or go to next match | |
CtrlSpace | V | Toggle selection mode | Add another item | |
Ctrl- Ctrl/ |
U | Undo last item | ||
CtrlG | Undo all added items |
is whichever keymap was aliased tomain
when Autocomplete was sourced.- By default, this is
. - If you run
bindkey -v
before sourcing Autocomplete, thenmain
will beviins
when Autocomplete installs keybindings.
- By default, this is
- Plugins or other scripts that you load after loading Autocomplete may override these bindings.
If you find that some shortcuts don't work as expected, then you can fix them by
- changing the order in which you source your plugins or by
- running
commands in your dotfiles after you source your plugins.
- Depending on your terminal, not all keybindings might be available to you.
- Instead of Alt, your terminal might require you to press Escape, Option or Meta.
- In the menus, the bindings listed under
require you to press Alt for each, instead of just once. - The bindings listed under
are always both active in the menus, no matter which keymap you actually use. This is a limitation of Zsh. - What any other keys do while you're in a menu depends on the keymap from which you opened the menu. See the Zsh manual section on menu selection for more info.
The following are the most commonly requested ways to configure Autocomplete's behavior. To use any
of these, add the code shown to your .zshrc
file and modify it there, then restart you shell.
You can use Zsh's bindkey
command, after loading
Autocomplete, to customize your keybindings. Below are some examples of what you can do with this.
This makes Tab and ShiftTab, when pressed on the command line, cycle through listed completions, without changing what's listed in the menu:
bindkey '^I' menu-complete
bindkey "$terminfo[kcbt]" reverse-menu-complete
This makes Tab and ShiftTab, when pressed on the command line, enter the menu instead of inserting a completion:
bindkey '^I' menu-select
bindkey "$terminfo[kcbt]" menu-select
This makes Tab and ShiftTab move the selection in the menu right and left, respectively, instead of exiting the menu:
bindkey -M menuselect '^I' menu-complete
bindkey -M menuselect "$terminfo[kcbt]" reverse-menu-complete
This makes ← and → always move the cursor on the command line, even when you are in the menu:
bindkey -M menuselect '^[[D' .backward-char '^[OD' .backward-char
bindkey -M menuselect '^[[C' .forward-char '^[OC' .forward-char
This makes Enter always submit the command line, even when you are in the menu:
bindkey -M menuselect '^M' .accept-line
Autocomplete overrides the behavior of some of Zsh's built-in keyboard widgets. To use the original
widget instead, prefix it with a .
bindkey '^R' .history-incremental-search-backward
bindkey '^S' .history-incremental-search-forward
If necessary, you can let Autocomplete pass arguments to compinit
as follows:
zstyle '*:compinit' arguments -D -i -u -C -w
You can make any completion widget first insert the longest sequence of characters that will complete to all completions shown, if any, before inserting actual completions:
# all Tab widgets
zstyle ':autocomplete:*complete*:*' insert-unambiguous yes
# all history widgets
zstyle ':autocomplete:*history*:*' insert-unambiguous yes
# ^S
zstyle ':autocomplete:menu-search:*' insert-unambiguous yes
When using the above, if you want each widget to first try to insert only the longest prefix that will complete to all completions shown, if any, then add the following:
zstyle ':completion:*:*' matcher-list 'm:{[:lower:]-}={[:upper:]_}' '+r:|[.]=**'
Note, though, that this will also slightly change what completions are listed initially. This is a limitation of the underlying implementation in Zsh.
By default, pressing Enter in the menu search exits the search and pressing it otherwise in the menu exits the menu. If you instead want to make Enter always submit the command line, use the following:
bindkey -M menuselect '\r' .accept-line
When inserting a completion, a space is added after certain types of completions. The default list is as follows:
zstyle ':autocomplete:*' add-space \
executables aliases functions builtins reserved-words commands
Modifying this list will change when a space is inserted. If you change the
list to '*'
, a space is always inserted. If you put no elements in the list,
then a space is never inserted.
This will make Autocomplete behave as if you pressed CtrlR at the start of each new command line:
zstyle ':autocomplete:*' default-context history-incremental-search-backward
To suppress autocompletion until a minimum number of characters have been typed:
zstyle ':autocomplete:*' min-input 3
Normally, Autocomplete fetches completions after you stop typing for about 0.05 seconds. You can change this as follows:
zstyle ':autocomplete:*' delay 0.1 # seconds (float)
For example, this will stop completions from showing whenever the current word consists of two or more dots:
zstyle ':autocomplete:*' ignored-input '..##'
By default, Autocomplete lets the history menu fill half of the screen, and limits all real-time listings to a maximum of 16 lines. You can change these limits as follows:
# Note: -e lets you specify a dynamically generated value.
# Override default for all listings
# $LINES is the number of lines that fit on screen.
zstyle -e ':autocomplete:*:*' list-lines 'reply=( $(( LINES / 3 )) )'
# Override for recent path search only
zstyle ':autocomplete:recent-paths:*' list-lines 10
# Override for history search only
zstyle ':autocomplete:history-incremental-search-backward:*' list-lines 8
# Override for history menu only
zstyle ':autocomplete:history-search-backward:*' list-lines 2000
Note that for all real-time listings, the maximum number of lines is additionally capped to the number of lines that fit on screen. However, there is no such limit for the history menu. If that generates more lines than fit on screen, you can simply use PgUp and PgDn to scroll through the excess lines. (Note: On some terminals, you have to additionally hold Shift or, otherwise, it will scroll the terminal buffer instead.)
Autocomplete comes with its own backend for keeping track of and listing recent directories (which
uses part of
under the
hood). However, you can override this and supply Autocomplete with recent directories from any
source that you like. To do so, define a function like this:
+autocomplete:recent-directories() {
typeset -ga reply=( <any number of absolute paths> )
Out of the box, Autocomplete doesn't track or offer recent files. However, it will do so if you add a backend for it:
+autocomplete:recent-files() {
typeset -ga reply=( <any number of absolute paths> )
Try the steps in the bug report template.
© 2020-2023 Marlon Richert
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.