A tool for working with Marko component fixtures given the following directory structure:
fixture1.js # exports data to render app-carousel/index.marko with
fixture2.json # data to render app-carousel/index.marko with
fixture3.marko # a template assumed to use <app-carousel>
You probably already have marko
installed, but you'll also need @marko/testing-library
since it is used to render the fixtures.
npm install marko @marko/fixture-snapshots @marko/testing-library
Loads all the fixtures under path
and generates tests that render them and compare/generate snapshots:
fixture1.html # snapshot of app-carousel/index.marko rendered with data from fixture1.js
fixture2.html # snapshot of app-carousel/index.marko rendered with data from fixture2.json
fixture3.html # snapshot of fixture3.marko
type SnapshotOptions = {
normalizer: (container: Element | Fragment) => Element | Fragment;
// a function the recieves a DOM container and returns a normalized DOM tree.
// The normalizer function should not mutate the existing tree
// (default: `require("@marko/fixture-snapshots").defaultNormalizer`)
ignore: string[]; // directories to not search for fixtures in (default: ["node_modules"])
fixtureDir: string; // the name of the fixture directory to search for (default: "fixtures")
import runSnapshotTests from "@marko/fixture-snapshots/jest";
// const runSnapshotTests = require("@marko/fixture-snapshots/jest").default;
describe("fixture snapshots", () => {
You can use
's built-in snapshot updating (jest -u
) to update the fixture snapshots
import runSnapshotTests from "@marko/fixture-snapshots/mocha";
// const runSnapshotTests = require("@marko/fixture-snapshots/mocha").default;
describe("fixture snapshots", () => {
You can set
as an environment variable (UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS=true mocha
) to update the fixture snapshots
import {
} from "@marko/fixture-snapshots";
Loads the fixtures for the component at file
type ComponentOptions = {
fixtureDir: string; // the name of the fixture directory to search for (default: "fixtures")
type ComponentFixtures = {
name: string; // the inferred name of the component (ex. app-carousel)
path: string; // the absolute path to the component
component: Template; // the loaded Marko template
fixturesPath: string;
fixtures: Record<
string, // the inferred name of the fixture (ex. data)
name: string;
path: string; // the absolute path to the fixture
ext: ".js" | ".json" | ".marko";
fixture: object | Template; // the loaded fixture
render: () => RenderResult; // render the fixture, return type is the same as `@marko/testing-library`'s render function
toString: (normalizer = defaultNormalizer) => Promise<string>;
import { fireEvent } from "@marko/testing-library";
import { findComponentFixtures } from "@marko/fixture-snapshots";
const { fixtures } = findComponentFixtures(require.resolve("../index.marko"));
test("example", () => {
const result = await fixtures.example.render();
const button = result.getByRole("button");
await fireEvent.click(button);
Loads the fixtures for all components found under dir
type ProjectOptions = {
ignore: string[]; // directories to not search for fixtures in (default: ["node_modules"])
fixtureDir: string; // the name of the fixture directory to search for (default: "fixtures")
Serializes the DOM container to a diffable HTML string
Returns a clone of the passed DOM container with Marko's internal markers removed (data-marko
, etc.)
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