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Setup Test Resources

Rob Rudin edited this page May 15, 2023 · 4 revisions

If the mlTestRestPort property is specified in your file and given a port number value, then the next time you deploy your MarkLogic application, the following additional resources are created.

  • A test database with a defeault name of mlAppName-test-content
    • The database properties are a replica of mlAppName-content
  • A test REST server named mlAppName-test
    • The application server properties are a replica of mlAppName
    • The database points to mlAppName-test-content
    • The modules database points to mlAppName-modules

As of version 3.3.1, the names of the REST server and test REST server can be modified by manipulating the mlAppConfig object in build.gradle:

ext {
  mlAppConfig.restServerName = "my-custom-name"
  mlAppConfig.testRestServerName = "my-custom-test-name"

An external test framework would delete all or a subset of content from the test database after each test execution. Asserts would be made on the state of the test content database after each run.

Gradle can also be used to execute Java unit tests through the Java plugin.

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