⚡ Fast startup, lazy-loaded plugins, and featureful Neovim configurations made with pure obsession and ❤
~ 100ms
- Lazy loading (lazy.nvim)
- LSP (servers are auto-installed as needed)
- Mason, null-ls, and nvim-lspconfig are used to configure LSP
- Treesitter
- Telescope
- Vimwiki
- Markdown preview
- Git integration
- Autocomplete
- nvim-cmp
- UltiSnips
- Split auto-resize (focus.nvim)
- Dashboard (alpha-nvim)
- Statusline (feline.nvim)
- Tabline (bufferline.nvim)
- File explorer (neo-tree.nvim)
- Diff (diffview.nvim)
and many more...
- Neovim 0.9+
- Nodejs and npm
- Python 3+
- pandoc (Required for vimwiki)
- yarn (Required for markdown-preview.vim)
Clone repository into ~/.config/nvim
git clone --recurse-submodules --ff-only --branch master https://github.com/marklcrns/nvim-config ~/.config/nvim
Then simply run make
to install all the necessary dependencies and
cd ~/.config/nvim
# or
make install
This will install all dependencies and create env
python virtual environment
in root directory for python_host_prog
and python3_host_prog
instead of
using global python.
Colorscheme: tokyonight
Dashboard with alpha-nvim that changes according to terminal screen size.
A powerful personal wiki creator for all sorts of needs.
Demo Wiki with custom css and wiki2html script
honza/vim-snippets will automatically be installed which contains various community-maintained programming languages snippets.
Additionally, UltiSnips is configured to source custom personal snippets from
Run :UltiSnipsEdit!
in vim command line to edit all snippets for the current
buffer filetype
Shameless plug to my own plugin
vim-smartq which lets you bind your
key q
to smartly close the current buffer, split, tab, or floating window
without having to remember/define different keybindings for each. It also
preserves tab splits and auto-close empty buffers.
Most of my configuration piggy backed from other people's configurations.